What Does Taqwa Mean?
It is a tool for human happiness and at higher levels for the happiness of society because it keeps man away from mistakes.
Taqwa is one of the most widely used words in religious literature and has been mentioned more than 260 times in various forms in the Holy Quran. There are also special recommendations about the topic. Usually, those who have this tool are pure humans who have a high position before God.
But the important question is what we should do about this Taqwa or piety and how it can be measured. We exactly know what should we do when we are told to pray or fast but Taqwa has an extensive meaning.
Some thinkers say the meaning of the word refers to a sort of fear but more words are also added to complete the meaning; for example, it has been said that Taqwa is the fear of God’s reckoning and punishment. Hence, talking about the issue is one of the serious challenges among translators and commentators. Some lexicographers believe the root of the word refers to “keeping something safe from a danger so that no one or thing is harmed”; like what is stated in the Quran: “save us from the punishment of the Fire” [2:201].
Taqwa aims to only keep God in the heart of the believers and therefore, doing or abstaining to do an act does not mean Taqwa, rather, this feature is a prelude to them. It is said that if one does not have piety, he/she can do anything, but if one has piety, he/she does not engage in corrupt deeds, so piety seems to be a kind of taking care. Just as we take care not to hurt our bodies at all times, so does piety provide us with this care so that we can behave correctly. Therefore, man needs piety all the time because piety is the man’s essential capital for the Day of Judgment and for achieving happiness. Taqwa also helps us to reach higher ranks in this world
This is called “caring” [Muraqabah] in the field of ethics. It means that the man is taking care not to make mistakes and harm others. This care has several levels and the higher the level one reaches, the more Taqwa he gains.
This article was derived from a speech by Mohammad Moradi, a Professor of Quran and Hadith, about the definition of Taqwa.