Iran Launches Five Medical Centers in Saudi Arabia

Five medical centers have been established in Medina and Mecca that will offer services to Iranian pilgrims during the 2022 Hajj.



Davud Bagheri, an advisor to the head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization on medical affairs, revealed the news on Tuesday in Medina.

Two of the medical centers are in Medina, he said, adding that one of them is located in a hotel, providing services to pilgrims around the clock.

According to Bagheri, three other medical centers have also been launched in Mecca. The centers enjoy the required equipment as well as different medical specialists.

Elsewhere, he said that the health status of all the Iranian pilgrims is being checked before their departure for Hajj.

The first group of Iranian pilgrims departed for Saudi Arabia on June 12.

A total of 39,635 Iranian pilgrims are set to take part in this year’s Hajj, departing from 17 airports across the country.

Saudi Arabia has announced that it will receive foreign pilgrims for Hajj this year after two years of suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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