The Greatest Teachers of Mankind

“Teaching is a profession of Prophets.” Many Muslims might have heard this well-known remark at some point in during their school years or higher education.



Prophets, most notably Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), were undoubtedly the greatest teachers of all mankind who taught us all how to worship Allah and implement the teaching of the Holy Quran in our lives on our path to redemption.

However, it was Allah, who in the first place, imparted his knowledge to the chosen ones.

Allah Almighty, the fist teacher of mankind

In Surah al-Alaq (ordered 96 in Quran), in the very first verses Allah calls himself a teacher who give the humanity knowledge.

“Read, O Prophet, in the Name of your Lord Who created, created humans from a clinging clot. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous, Who taught by the pen, taught humanity what they knew not.” [Quran 96:1-5]

These five verses of Surah al-Alaq are the first divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while he was meditating in Cave Hira.

According to these revelations Allah is the creator of everything that exists, and above all the creator of man, the most superior creature on the earth from a blood clot. It adds that the Generous Allah granted the man senses and the power of thinking, created requisites of his life and embedded in his instinct how to use them and gave him knowledge and wisdom of the Truth.

Without knowledge, guidance of the mankind is not possible. So before giving the responsibility of Prophethood, Allah gave knowledge to His Messenger. The earlier prophets were also bestowed with the blessing of knowledge.

The fact that Allah mentions being a teacher after the creation of mankind, his masterpiece, underlines the importance of teaching and he himself is the greatest of all teachers.

Elsewhere Quran says:

And He taught Adam the names of all things…. [Quran 2:31]

It is said that human beings learn different things through their names, therefore teaching Adam the names of all things may refer to the fact that Allah has imparted the knowledge of everything in the mankind.

Mankind’s second great teacher

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), an illiterate man, was chosen by Allah to be the Final Messenger and perfect teacher to Muslims.

Known as the “Living Quran”, Prophet Muhammad was not an ordinary teacher. He sets the standard for teaching.

While today our intelligence level, social standing or other factors may separate us in the society, Prophet Muhammad made no distinction between his students.

He delivered the message of Islam, an all-inclusive one, without excluding or expelling anyone.

Prophet Muhammad actually practiced what he preached, he lived a life in accordance with Islam and was mindful of the Hereafter.

“Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often.” [Quran 33:21]

When Prophet Muhammad began teaching the message of Islam at the beginning of his prophethood he was met with a great deal of outright hatred and disdain.

He spent thirteen years attempting to teach the misguided people of Mecca about the message of Quran, while only a small group of people have embraced Islam, however, he never even considered quitting.

He was a wise and patient man who was resolved to make sacrifices for the sake of Allah.

As a gifted teacher, he sets an example for all teachers around the world either Muslims, or non-Muslims.

The fact that Allah and the prophets are the greatest known teachers of mankind signifies the importance of respecting teachers, the burden they shoulder, and the key role they play in the future of a land and nations.

source: iqna

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