10 Things to Know about Holy Prophet’s Grandsons

 Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (PBUT) were the grandsons of the Messenger of Allah, to whom may Allah’s blessings and peace be granted; the sons of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, and Hazrat Fatimah (SA), the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).


Below are 10 noble attributes of Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein:

  1. Pure Lineage

They were sons of the Messenger of Allah’s daughter – Fatimah; leader of the women of the worlds, daughter of Hazrat Khadijah, and among the most beloved of women to the Messenger. Their father, Ali bin Abi Talib was the first youth to embrace Islam and the Commander of the Faithful.

  1. Unique Names

They were the first to be given their names because those two names were not known before Islam.

  1. Resemblance to the Messenger (PBUH)

Both of them resembled the Prophet physically and in their mannerisms as well.

  1. Graduates of the Prophetic School

The Prophet was in their lives right from birth. He called Adhan in their ears and gave them their names.

They were both cared for and mentored by the Prophet from childhood in faith, character and morals. He loved them and they loved him too. He would always reassure them of his deep love and made sincere supplications for them. They were raised in a close and loving family fold.

He referred to them as his two Raihanahs – sweet basil; meaning beloved in this context.

  1. Bequeathal

Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein were taken to the Messenger of Allah during his final illness and he bequeathed something to them.

He said:

As for Al-Hassan, he has respect and authority which I have, while as for Al-Hussein, he has my courage and my generosity. (Kanzul-‘Ummal) in Child companions around the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him))

  1. Very Closely Linked in Narrations

Many hadiths do not mention Al-Hassan without mentioning Al-Hussein. There was neither superiority nor competition in their relationship and accompanying narrations.

  1. Masters of Youth in Paradise

It is reported on the authority of Hudhaifah ibn al-Yaman that the Prophet said:

Oh, Hudhaifah! Gabriel came to me and he gave me the glad tidings that Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein are the Masters of the young men of Paradise.

  1. Love and Esteem of the Companions

They were highly respected and revered by the companions. They seized every opportunity possible to honor them and be close to them knowing how much Allah’s Messenger loved them without a shadow of doubt.

  1. Knowledgeable and Skilled

Both grandchildren were reported to be learned scholars, and knowledgeable in Islamic Jurisprudence. They were also both eloquent; while Al-Hassan was known as an Orator and renowned for his great linguistic abilities and profound thoughts, Al-Hussein was very articulate and renowned for his poetry, speeches and wisdom.

  1. Piety and Virtuousness

Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein had great virtues. They were both reported to have performed Hajj twenty-five times on foot. Al-Hassan was said to have read chapter Al-Kahf every night before sleeping and Al-Hussein known for his unmatched charitable deeds.

Ibn ‘Abbas said:

I have not regretted anything that I missed during my youth, except that I did not perform Hajj on foot; Al-Hassan performed Hajj on foot twenty-five times. 


Source: iqna

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