Imam Ali (as) Divider of Heaven and Hell

“O Ali, you are the divider of heaven and hell”

This statement is a clear indication of the imam`s (as) status before Allah and His messenger
(saw), such that his every action and belief is in complete accordance with Islam. The Imam (as)
represents Islam in such a perfect and complete manner that recognising and being like him is
the only route to heaven, and rejection of who he is – the living embodiment of Allah`s wish for
mankind – can only lead to hell. This point is explained in the lines of the hadeeth which follow it.
“None shall enter the heaven unless he has recognized you…”
The first point in explanation of this concept is that none can enter heaven unless he has
recognised imam Ali (as). This statement makes it clear that any believer who fasts, prays,
gives alms and performs pilgrimage will still not attain true Islam unless he has accepted and
acknowledged the role of imam Ali (as). Wilaya of Imam Ali (as) is so introduced to us as a
foundation and requirement of being a good Muslim, and all other good deeds cannot bear fruit
without it. This idea has been supported in the famous hadeeth, “Whoever dies and does not
know the Imam of his age, he dies the death of Ignorance (Jahiliyya)”, but outlines the
specific role of the first imam, Ali (as) in relation to all believers following the prophet (saw). It
should be noted that the criterion of imam Ali (as) as divider of heaven and hell is not limited to
a timeframe such as the duration of his life, but is stated in relation to all believers after the
Prophet (saw) for all time.
“…and you have recognized him”
The second point is that imam Ali (As) must also recognise the believers in order for them to
enter heaven. It is not enough for the believers to agree to the role of the imam (as), but they
must work hard to learn about him so that they are able to recognise him, and follow his
teachings and manifest their beliefs through their actions such that they can be recognised as
followers of him (as). This mutual recognition – of imam Ali (as) by the believer and of the
believer by imam Ali (as) – could be accomplished and strengthened if believers gain knowledge
about the imam (as), and build a personal, spiritual relationship with the imam (as) through acts
like supplication, ziyarat and good deeds on his behalf.
Points one and two present to us the importance of knowing and following imam Ali (as)
for all believers, no matter what time they live in.
“And none shall enter hell unless he has rejected you and you have
rejected him”
The third point is that none shall enter hell unless he has rejected the imam (as), in complement
to point one. This completes and strengthens the force of the statement in point one, serving as
a sharp warning to any who may believe that they can gain entry to heaven while denying the
imam (as). Similarly, the fourth point that none shall enter hell unless he has been rejected by
the imam (as) complements point two, in which those who reject a relationship with the imam
(as) and manifest this in their actions can never enter heaven.
The following line of the hadeeth states that imam Ali (as) and his descendents will be able to
recognise everyone on the Last Day through their marks, leaving no argument that there is
another group which is not of either the first party (followers of the imam (as)) or the second
(those who earn hell). This underlines the status of imam Ali (as) as a complete example of the
laws of Allah`s religion, being the absolute criteria by which men are divided into those reaching
heaven and those for hell, and there is no way around this.
The final point made in this hadeeth states that the believers could not be distinguished from
others after the prophet (saw) if it was not for imam Ali (as). In light of the teachings of this
hadeeth, none other can take the place of imam Ali (as) as leader of muslims.
Recognition of imam Ali (as) and following him truly is guaranteed to lead to success
and entry to heaven, and rejection of him is rejection of the laws of Islam and the khalif
appointed by Allah over mankind, and can only lead to hell. We must all learn about the
imam`s (as) life and become familiar with his deeds and sayings, until we are able to recognise
him as more than just a distant historical figure. We must also strive to follow his example and
his teachings, as they are in complete accordance with what the prophet (saw) brought of
Allah`s laws. Our success in this life and the next is subject to our being able to
recognise the imam (as), and making ourselves such that we are recognisable as
followers of his. There is no middle ground: if we do not try to recognise him and be
recognised by him as believers, we have no other destination but the Fire. For, as given
in the last line, the believers are only distinguished from sinners by knowing him.

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