Aims Of Imam Hussain A.S Movement
Aims Of Imam Hussain A.S Movement
Aims Of Imam Hussain A.S Movement: A wave of rejection and opposition to the policy of betrayal and tyranny mounted, and the Imam decided to rise to his religious responsibilities as the lawful Imam and the leader of the Islamic nation entrusted with the task of preserving its divine message.
He (pbuh) went to his grandfather’s grave, and recited the following prayer:
O God, This is the grave of your Prophet, Muhammad (S.A.W) and I am his daughter’s son, and I have come to know what you undoubtedly know. O God, I like to enjoin the good and reject the evil. I ask you O All-Mighty God by this grave and by who is in it to choose for me what would please You and Your Prophet’.
Thus Imam Hosein (pbuh) pledged that he would defend the message whatever the cost, as long as it would lead to Allah’s satisfaction.
The Imam went on to meet with his relatives and followers and inform them of his intention to leave to Mecca. He was met by a lot of opposition of those who tried to dissuade him, either because they were afraid that he would get killed, or because they were not courageous enough to follow him. But his resolve to uphold the right was not shaken by such objections or threats. This eternal communiqu’was the official declaration of his revolution.
The Imam (pbuh) traveled to Mecca and there he chose to stay at the house of Abas bin Abdul Mutalib, where the faithful believers of Mecca, as well as those outside it, started to visit him and pledge loyalty to him. News about the political uprising in Kufa reached Mecca, and the leaders of the city wrote a letter in which they declared their opposition to the Umayyad rule, and they would not accept anybody else but Imam Hosein (pbuh) to rule them. Many other letters asking the Imam to come to their city to assume his rule as an Imam of the faithful followed this letter.
On the way to the Greater Martyrdom:
Yazid became so worried that he decided to send an army led by Amr bin Sa’ad bin Ass, to kill the Imam wherever they found him and whatever the costs. When the Imam heard that Yazid’s army was heading towards Mecca, he was afraid that they would violate the sanctuary of the City, so he decided to leave for Kufa although he knew before hand the ultimate destiny he was to face.
Imam Hosein (pbuh) and his companions headed towards Iraq; although he was certain that he was going to be killed. But he believed that the true victory of Allah’s message would be realized through his martyrdom, since there was no one else to stand up for the oppression. He knew that the nation would not wake up except by such a great shock. Therefore, let this shock be his martyrdom, along with Ahl ul-Bait who went all the way with him.
The Reasons of the Revolution:
Imam Hosein (pbuh) did not possess the necessary force that would enable him to win; he did not even rely on those who wrote to him from Kufa, for he declared his revolution before he received their letters and delegates. Hijaz too did not give him enough support to be able to stand against the Umayyad. Therefore he decided to leave for Iraq for the sole reason of preventing any blood shedding in the Holy City of Mecca. Moreover, he knew that he was destined to die; yet he went on.
The main reasons that gave Imam Hosein (pbuh) and his companions the right to declare the victorious revolution, which immortalized Islam and inspired the coming generations to defend it and to hold fast in the Jihad are as follows:
Instilling the fundamentals of Islamic beliefs such as tawheed
The attributes of Allah almighty, prophethood in general and in particular the mission of the Seal of the Prophets Imamate or leadership of mankind and related issues, and resurrection and related issues and consequences such as rewards and punishment, Paradise and Hell.
He declared his first revolutionary communiqu ? and he instructed his companions- for them to be given all the water the battalion needed for the all soldiers and horses alike- . . . But would anyone other than Imam Hosein (pbuh) and his like do such a thing under that unique situation when he fully knew that many members of this battalion would in few days time take part in his killing and the killing of his household and companions’
Therefore it is imperative for the faithful who follow Imam Hosein (pbuh) to decorate themselves with virtue and moral values, and to adhere to them in all their conducts in social life with relatives and strangers, with friends and foes.
Also some of the issues that please Imam Hosein (pbuh) is to see the programs that are held in his name are accompanied ? in all aspects ? with virtue and Islamic morals, even in responding to those critics who do not observe such values. This would be in compliance with the order of
Allah Almighty:
Repel evil with that that is ?(Qur’an, 23: 96)