Conversation of Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari with Imam Husain A.S

Conversation of Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari with Imam Husain A.S

I do not hold any other opinion except that you too enter into a peace-treaty (with Yazid) as your brother had done with Mu`awiyah, and verily he was trustworthy and rightly guided.” Imam Husain replied,

O Jabir! Whatever my brother did was ordained by Allah and the Prophet, and whatever I shall do too shall be according to the command of Allah and His Prophet. Do you wish that at this very moment I invite the Holy Prophet, Imam Ali, and my brother Hasan to testify regarding my action”?

Then Imam looked towards the heavens, suddenly I saw that the doors of heavens opened ajar and Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s.), Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.), Hazrat Hamza (a.s.), Hazrat Ja`far at Tayyar (a.s.) and (my uncle) Zaid descended from the heavens upon the earth. Seeing this I became frightful, when the Prophet said,

“O Jabir! Did not I inform you prior to Husain during the time of Hasan, that you would not become a believer unless you surrendered to the Imams and not object to their actions? Do you desire to see the place where Mu`awiyah will dwell and the place of my son Husain and of his murderer Yazid”?

I replied in the affirmative. Then the Prophet struck his foot onto the ground and it tore apart and another ground ap­peared beneath. Then I saw a river flowing, which also tore apart, under­neath which was another ground. Thus seven layers of the ground and rivers ripped apart (one below the other) until there appeared hell. I saw that Waleed bin Mughirah, Abu Jahl, Mu`awiyah and Yazid were bound together in a chain alongwith the other rebellious Satans. And their torment was more severe than that of the other people of hell. Then the Holy Prophet com­manded me to lift my head. I saw that the heavens had opened their doors and Paradise was apparent. Then all those blessed people who had descended from there returned back. When they were in the air the Prophet called out to Imam Husain,

“Come and mingle with me my dear Husain.”

I saw that Husain ascended too and joined them onto the high status in Paradise. The Holy Prophet then caught hold of the hand of Husain and told me,

 “O Jabir! This son of mine is here alongwith me, submit to him and do not fall in doubt so as to become a believer.”

Jabir says that, “May both my eyes turn blind if whatever I have seen and related from the Prophet is false.”

Conversation of Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari with Imam Husain A.S Conversation of Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari with Imam Husain A.S

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