The 25th of the lunar month of Dhul Qa’dah: Dahwul Ard (Earth Day)

The 25th of the lunar month of Dhul Qa’dah: Dahwul Ard (Earth Day)

The 25th of the lunar month of Dhul Qa’dah: Dahwul Ard (Earth Day): The 25th of the lunar month of Dhul Qa’dah – according to some of our traditions – corresponds with the event known as Dahwul Ard (Earth Day). It is also the day when Imam ‘Ali b. Musa al-Rida (as) proceeded on his journey from Madinah towards Tus (in present day Iran).

As for the first event, we know that the meaning of Dahw is to spread or stretch and it is from the following verse of the Noble Qur’an that we extract this meaning:
وَ الأَرْضِ بَعْدَ ذٌلِكَ دَحٌيهَا

“And after that He (Allah) spread forth the Earth.”[55]
What exactly does it mean to spread or stretch out the Earth and how do we rationalize this theory with today’s science which states that the Earth has come from the Solar System (that we exist in) and is actually a piece of the Sun which broke off?
When the Earth was separated from the Sun, it was a ball of fire with molten liquid upon it. After this occurred, air pressure was formed around the Earth from the water which was being transformed into vapor and with this, a period of heavy rains started to fall upon the Earth. This rain took over the entire face of the Earth and after a bit of time, some of the water settled into the Earth and the dry ground that was covered by water began to show.
Thus, the term Dahwul Ard is in the meaning of that day when the dry Earth was brought forth from the rain and water which was upon the Earth, and according to the traditions, this event started from the House of Allah in Makkah.
Looking at the knowledge and science of today, this theory has not been proven wrong.
In reality, this day was a day of great blessing from Allah (SwT), since He brought forth the dry, barren Earth from under the water which led to this planet being suitable for habitation.
In addition, according to some of the books of history, Imam ‘Ali b. Musa al-Rida (as) began his journey from Madinah towards Tus on this day and this is also a great Divine blessing from Allah (SwT) for the people of Iran. It is through his footsteps into that country that lead to the habitability, spirituality, sanctity and the blessings of Allah (SwT) being showered upon them, and if the sacred burial spot of the Imam (as) was not in this country, then the Iranians would have had no place for refuge.
Every year, close to 25,000,000 people perform his visitation (Ziyarat) in order to renew their pledge of allegiance to the Ahlul Bait. It is only through the spiritual shadow of the Imam (as) which covers the country which prevents calamities from befalling the Iranians
In any case, for various reasons, this is a very special day and we pray that Allah (SwT) grants everyone the ability to make use of the Divine Blessings that are accompanied with this day.
[55] Surat al-Naziyat (79), Verse 30

Pessimism and Negativity

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