Dahw al-Arz or Emergence and Spreading of Land

Dahw al-Arz or Emergence and Spreading of Land

Several millennium years ago, on this day (the 25th of Zil-Qa’dah), by God’s commandment the first part of dry land emerged from under the seas on Planet Earth which until then was filled with water without any soil on its surface. This blessed spot is the same place where Adam built the Symbolic House of God, the Holy Ka’ba – the focal point of prayer for Muslims throughout the globe. From here dry land gradually spread around the globe forming continents, land masses, and islands. This day is thus known as Dahw al-Arz or Emergence and Spreading of Land. According to narrations, Imam Mahdi (AS) the Saviour of Humanity and the 12th and Last Successor of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), will reappear on this day in the end times to cleanse the earth of all vestiges of corruption and oppression, and to establish the global government of peace, prosperity and justice. Special prayers have been recommended on this day as a form of thanksgiving to the Almighty.
Several millennia ago, after the descent of Adam and Eve on Planet Earth, the Almighty Creator showered one of His permanent blessings for the first human pair and their offspring that would multiply and spread around the globe, by sending the structure of the holy Ka’ba on the very spot that ages before had emerged as the first piece of dry land from under waters, in what is now Mecca. Adam was inspired to construct the cubic-shaped edifice as the first-ever model of a house and dedicate it to the worship of the Unseen but Omnipresent God. It was rebuilt by Prophet Abraham, while the rituals of its pilgrimage, the Hajj, were finalized by Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). It is the focal point of worship for Muslims all over the world, and not a single moment passes as the earth rotates on its axis while revolving around the sun to determine minutes, hours, days and nights, when people around the globe are not bowing towards it. The only person ever born in the holy Ka’ba, by the Will of God, is the Prophet’s divinely-decreed vicegerent Imam Ali (AS).
Over 4,000 lunar years ago, on the eve of the 25th Zil-Qa’dah, Prophet Abraham (AS) was born in Mesopotamia. He needs no introduction; and today all the three monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – regard him as the progenitor. The holy Qur’an calls him “millah” or a nation by himself. Islam considers Abraham as one the Five Great Prophets – the other four being Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).
On the eve of the 25th Zil-Qa’dah, according to a narration, Prophet Jesus (AS) was born to the Virgin Mary (SA) by the Will of God, without the association of a male. The holy Qur’an testifies to his miraculous birth and goes on to refute his alleged crucifixion and the weird concept of Trinity, as well as the allegation that he was the son of God – the Almighty Creator is far too glorious to have such human traits as the need for spouse or children. Prophet Jesus (AS) gave tidings of the advent of the Last and Greatest Messenger, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) – a prophecy found in ayah 6 of Surah Saff of the holy Qur’an, as well as the Gospel of St. John despite the tampering that the Bible has gone through over the past centuries.
On 25th Zil-Qa’dah, in 10 AH, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) left Medina for Mecca to perform his Farewell Hajj, and was joined by over 100,000 Muslims from various regions. During the pilgrimage he showed the correct performance of the Hajj rituals, and at Mount Mercy on the plain of Arafaat he delivered his famous sermon, saying he was about to depart from the world and was leaving behind for the guidance of Ummah, the Thaqalayn (two invaluable things), that is, the holy Qur\’an and his infallible progeny, the Ahl al-Bayt. While returning home from his Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet was commanded by God to halt at the pond of Ghadeer in Khom near Juhfa to proclaim his dear cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali, (AS) as vicegerent.

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