The Message Of Muharram Today

The Message Of Muharram Today

The Message Of Muharram Today: Why the remembrance of Imam Husain (A.S.) is tied with Muharram and Ashura hasn’t faded from history after passage of 13 centuries? Why do Muslims every year gather and mourn for Husain (A.S.) and his companion? And why this event has not faded in history like thousands of other events which has been forgotten? These are some questions which refer to mind while thinking about this event. Here we want to consider the concept of eternity of Imam Husain’s rising (Ghiam), and weather after 13 centuries Man should maintain remembrance of Ashura, or an event like Ashura was an ordinary event which belonged to a specific period of history, and over viewing and renewal of remembrance of such an event is only a sensational and non-logical act?

 At first we will consider the fact that if after passage of long years the event of Ashura has not been forgotten

is it possible that this event will be forgotten for next centuries? Or this supposition (forgetfulness of this rising (Ghiam)) is wrong?
The first thing that refer to mind while studying and considering the event of Ashura, is its the non-material motive of this rising (Ghiam) .Not only Husain the son of Ali was aware of his defeat, but also he was informed of his martyrdom and captivity of his family. He was informed many times by the Great Prophet (S.A.W.) and Imam Ali (A.S.) through occult affairs of his martyrdom, because of this fact many people wanted to stop him, but he insisted on accomplishing his Devine duty and recurrent religion and the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Sunnah. Now can we consider a motive of position and ranking in this rising (Ghiam) which from the beginning of it the ultimate destination is being killed (martyred) in accomplishing Devine duty?
On the other hand this divine motive of Imam Husain (A.S.) and his companions is observed in each moment of the event (Ashura); while each companion tries to precede the other in becoming martyred, while the 6 month infant (his son) passes away and while Imam Husain (A.S.) to the last moments of his life devotes all his existence to Allah and says:” O! My Lord I am content with what You are content with, I am submitted to Your will, there is no Worshipped (Ma’bood) other than You.”
Now if we consider this absolute Divine motive and also consider this verses of Quran:” [Jinn and mankind] which of the favors of your Lord do you then deny? (55:25). Everyone on earth is destined to die (55:26).”, which states that Allah bestows eternity to the one who joins Him i.e. the who in all dimensions has become of Allah, it would be obvious that such an event would never be faded or forgot, because in each moment, it has tied and joined with Allah, Who all except Him are destructible.
The Divine motive of Ashura which no other thing than Allah wasn’t beside it; caused this rising (Ghiam) to be in accordance with unchangeable nature human. So it is not possible that one day man forgets the motive of hating oppression and being free from every cruelty and also it is impossible that man forgets love to his creator. So from what was mentioned we deduce that the accordance of Ashura and man’s nature will not let man forget this event not only after 13 centuries but to the end of his life.
The extent of the social and individual influences of this rising (Ghiam) is so vast that beside Imam Husain’s (A.S.) followers, all the freemen of the world have been influenced by it and the origins of this culture and this eternal message is recorded in history. Whenever the influence of such an event exists, the remembrance of Imam Husain (A.S.) and his companions is alive.
From what was briefly mentioned we obviously deduce that forgetting such an event is impossible. Now we should consider that weather today we are needy of studying this event or this event can not provide demands of man living in the 20th century, and if man requires Ashura and studying it, what is the effects correct view of this event in another era (now)?
From the beginning of its propagation, Islam declared human freedom from tyranny and Allah worship as its main schedule and insisted on it. For this reason tyrants, whose benefits were in danger and had found Islam in opposition to their benefits and aims, always attack Islam. But the divine leadership of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and Divine aids prevented them from being successful. On the other hand, Muslims knew them as the enemies of their religion and did not have any doubt in withstanding it. But after the Prophet (S.A.W.) passed away, their manner changed. They began to change the Allah’s religion from the inside gradually and bias its instructions and add superstitions to it so that they captured all the headquarters and did whatever they could not do in the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) era as Islam rules. As the time passed, they changed Islam more and more so that fifty years after the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), “Yazid” with the name of “Amir al-Momenin” (Master of the believers) not the successor of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) but the successor of Allah became the Muslim’s Master and people should obey his rules as their religion rules. In other words, he ascended the throne as a God and his orders to fire the Kaaba by catapult were obeyed and the agents never felt guilty. In these situations; being well aware of everything, Imam Husain (A.S.) and declared his goals as the real Islam, trimming off the superstitions, returning Islam to its first correct position. Mentioning this preface, it becomes obvious that the Imam Husain’s (A.S.) rising (Ghiam) was not only a combat between the minor in the right and the major in the wrong but is a source of insight which has a permanent message of divinity and humanity and presented an everlasting criterion that in all ages, putting it into practice would cut off the hands of the cruel and tyrants from Islam and Humanity of mankind. Therefore we have heard frequently that Islam owes its existence to “Sayyed al-Shohada” (the master of martyrs) and this is the concept of the prophetic traditions which says, “Husain (A.S.) is of me and I am of Husain (A.S.)”. Nowadays enemies (of Islam) continue attacking Islam in all the ways and know alteration in principles as the only way to resist against Islam. On the other hand, the human desires always prison him. So today we are in need of the essence of Imam Husain’s (A.S.) message and his rising (Ghiam) to comprehend and protect the pure and original Islam which Muhammad (S.A.W.) has presented to the mankind and keep our believes away from being mislead and free ourselves from bonds to provide the preliminaries to establish a worldwide kingdom based on justice and world-considering Islamic Instructions and open the way to the worldwide government of the promised Mahdi (A.S.). In fact, in today’s age and Imam Husain’s (A.S.) rising (Ghiam)distinguishes between right and wrong more and more and makes the buried human soul aware, which has plunged in material life, again. Therefore not only the human being need of “Ashura” rising (Ghiam) has not disappeared but also has increased.
On the other hand; as a whole, the infallible Imam is known as the incarnation of the Allah’s religion. Whatever he does, whether he sits or stands talks or holds his peace, combats or makes peace and in a word, whatever he does or denies is doing just like a Verse of Holy Quran or a word from the Prophet (S.A.W.). So considering Islam as a religion which is not limited to the Prophet (S.A.W.) time and has a permanent plan to the end of the human life in this world, consequently the Islam concept, which is solely the Verses of the Holy Quran, life and words of the Prophet (S.A.W.) of Islam and the infallibles Imam’s deeds and words, is always considerable, conclusive and has plan for human being to the last stage of his life and resurrection appearance. Thus, today’s mankind needs for his life should always be realized and be fulfilled by means of the religion concept and its Instructions. For this reason, comprehension of Imam’s words and deeds should be considered because referring to the Holy tradition al-Thaghlayn from the Prophet (S.A.W.):” Imam is just like Quran”. Every verse of the holy Quran consists deep meanings and concepts, the more one thinks about it the more he makes advantage of it. The manner and deeds of Imam is like the Quran verses, the more one deliberates the more he understands. The event of Ashura does not exclude from this rule too and the Ashura culture has remained as the bases and principles of the Shi`ism culture and today’s review of it can be the messenger of new insights.
So, if Karbala was not in the continuous chain of Islam, this chain would have been interrupted and its followers would fell into the deep hole of ignorance and superstitions.
(Where Islam had rescued them from it).Today, Karbala has removed ignorance from Islam, otherwise, Islam would have been altered many times after so many years.
As we mentioned, Imam Husain (A.S.) rising (Ghiam) does not affect Muslims and Shiites merely, but there are many who appreciate this rising. To continue, we will review some of the social and personal effects of this event.
1. Social effects: Imam Husain (A.S.) rising (Ghiam) caused great effects in his age and the following ages. We can mention the following points:
a) Removing ignorance of people: As it is stated in different phrases and different pilgrimages (Ziarat) that refer to Imam Husain (A.S.), saving people from ignorance is the most important social message and result of Imam Husain (A.S.) rising (Ghiam). With his rising, he defined the limit between right and wrong. The limit which was going to be forgotten. Ashura not only affected Muslims, but also introduced Rights to non-Muslims. Those who were delegates of non-Islamic governments and those Christian monks, who were isolated in monasteries, were really affected and guided. And of course, this guidance is still continuing and leading noblemen and freemen. Ashura introduces wisdom and removing ignorance as its basis for treatment and considers announcing people as the most important goal. If this rising (Ghiam) was not right and was based on sensations, it would never invite people to wisdom and cause general announcement.
b) General rising: After Ashura and following general announcements, several risings occurred against cruelty at the same age or after that. One of the most important of them was the rising of people of Medina. A rising which its constructors didn’t consider victory and just thought about their duty. In the next years, many Islamic and non-Islamic risings (Ghiam) occurred on the basis of instructions of Karbala. There have been many insurrections in the history, but the effects of many of them were limited to their age or they have only applied people sensations and emotions, but Ashura is based on human principles and divine purposes.
c) Movement and rising (Ghiam) just for Allah: The most important effect of Ashura whether social or individual is to act just for Allah and see Him, merely. Imam Husain (A.S.) devoted whatever he had to Allah and didn’t even think about victory. At the night of Ashura, he said to his followers: “These people want to fight with me merely. Make the advantage of the darkness of the night and leave this land and know that whoever stays here, ill be killed tomorrow”. And it was he himself who in the worst conditions said: “t is easy for me to stand because Allah is looking at me.”
2. Individual effects: Some of the other effects of Ashura are the individual effects. Imam Husain (A.S.) rising (Ghiam) results in the improvement of people after the improvement of the society. The most important effects are mentioned below:
a) To commit no crime and act according to Allah instructions: When every Muslim, every Shiite and every freeborn learns some lessons from Ashura according to his capacity, not only he will not commit any crime anymore, but he hates crimes and loves to obey Allah. This is proved when every body experiences it himself.
A. Avoiding sin and becoming obedience to orders of Allah:
Whenever any Muslim, any Shiite or any freeman –depending on his/her capacity– gets benefit from the ceremonies of Ashura by attending, the effect of such ceremonies remain in his/her mind and heart and it can not only keep that individual from committing more sins, but also it can remind the sadness of such act.
B. Freedom:
After all these years the voice of Husain (A.S.) can be heard when he said: “If you do not follow any religion, be a freeman in your world.” This saying invites the whole world to itself. The message of Husain (A.S.) is continued and his followers reject obedience to oppression in this path. Freedom from obedience to oppressor or any one except Allah is one of the points of Imam Husain’s (A.S.) revolution that can be used to realize some true values of Islam. Hence, those who are in love with Husain (A.S.), no matter what religion they have, try to free themselves from misfortune and obedience to any one except Allah by following his path.
C. Patience and strength:
Shiites and those who think about the event of Ashura have had an effect from the patience of Imam Husain (A.S.) such that in the most difficult times of their lives, they remember their beloved leader. Therefore, they remain steadfast and patient on difficulties by remembering the difficulties Husain (A.S.) faced. When he was surrounded in hot desert without any water left and the river was blocked by the enemy When his six month old baby was killed with an arrow and his young son, who was the most similar man to Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.), was killed and his body was cut into pieces and many other tragic moment in that day. Though Husain (A.S.) never complained and he did not stop thanking and remembering Allah. This was the only heal to his broken heart.
Hence, need of humans after many centuries and a technology age to Ashura educative points is not only eliminated, but also its need is increased day by day. Because as humans satisfy their materialistic needs, they are ought to grow their spiritual capabilities as well. Such that this development can help them in their lives and keep them closer to the goal and purpose of life –which is taking another step toward perfection and becoming closer to Allah. The event of Ashura, nowadays, has such dangerous responsibility. If humans –for the past 13 centuries ago– could not understand what Imam Husain (A.S.) did at that time, instead nowadays they can understand and be able to realize the Husain’s (A.S.) revolution by thinking about it in their own level of knowledge. Moreover, we explore some points behind the ceremonies held for martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.) and Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) (the household of Prophet (S.A.W.)) by Shiite communities:
Soul is the foundation of human and human body is very dependent on its soul. Unlike body which has a materialistic existence, soul happens to be non-materialistic and completely different. That is why spiritual connection is more sophisticated than physical connection. Now, how does a spiritual connection happen between two individual. The answer is when they have the same values spiritual and humanity. The connection between Shiites and the household of Prophet (S.A.W.) is a spiritual relation, which is much deeper and stronger than any materialistic relationship. Therefore there is no place for exclamation on sad and tragic ceremonies that Shiite communities have, since their spiritual relation continuously exist.
All Shiite cry and commemorate martyrdom of their beloved leaders. Nevertheless, there is an especial philosophy for crying. Crying is a good tool for increasing love and care for a beloved one. So, cry and weep is a result of love and improves that love in its nature. Those who sincerely love Allah and his associates can escalate their spiritual level and get closer perfection. It is true that weeping is not the only way to improve spirituality, but a hidden point of weeping is presentation of love and reminder of the fact that beloved one is the true desired wish.
In the case of Shiite beloved one is household of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) is and their love can help to achieve many spiritual stages. This way human can move toward purity and piety much easier. Nowadays, reminisce of Ashura and Imam Husain (A.S.) revolution is under taken by logic and wisdom. There are many ideological-humanities needs, which can be satisfied in this fashion and improve spiritual life of humans.


A few explanations about Imam Hussain (A.S.)

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