The Etiquettes of Dua (Supplication)

The Etiquettes of Dua (Supplication)

a- Purification
b- Application of perfume
c- Being in the direction of Qiblah
d- Giving alms

God Almighty says:

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-”…Offer something in charity before your consultation.” (Verse 12 of the Quranic Chapter, the Pleading One)
e- Belief in God’s power to fulfill his desire as verse 186 of the Quranic Chapter, the Cow, says:

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“and believe in Me.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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366. “Whoever asks something from Me and is sure that gain and loss are in My hand, I will fulfill his desire.”
f- Having good opinion of God that He will answer his call.
Hope in God’s Mercy
God says:

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“….call on Him fearing and hoping….” (Verse 56 of the Quranic Chapter, The Elevated Places)

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367. “My opinion of My servant is his opinion of Me. Therefore, he should have good opinion of Me.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

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368. “Call on God when you are sure of fulfillment of Dua.”
One of the revelations of God to prophet Moses (AS) was:

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369. “O Moses! Should you call on Me hoping, I will soon forgive you.”
Soleyman Ibne Farrah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“Whenever you recite Dua, be sure that what you need is at the door.”
In another Hadith, we read:

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370. “Turn to Him wholeheartedly and be sure that what you need is at the door.”
Why shouldn’t man have good opinion of God when it is He is the Most Generous One and the Most Merciful and it is He whose Mercy precedes His wrath.
It has been reported that:

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371. “When God blew in a man from His own spirit and man became human, he sat and sneezed. He was inspired to say: Praise is due to the Lord of the worlds. In response, God said: May God have mercy on you O Adam!”
Therefore, the first words of God to Adam was with mercy. It has been related in a Hadith:

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372. “When God sent prophet Moses (AS) to Pharaoh, He said to Moses: Tell him that I am more speedy in Mercy and forgiveness than wrath and punishment.”
In another Hadith, we read:

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373. “When Pharaoh was being drowned, instead of invoking God, he invoke Moses (AS). God inspired him: O Moses! You did not help him since you had not created him but if he had asked Me for help, I would have helped him.”
Mohammad Ibne Khaled has reported in his book on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):
374. “When prophet Jonah (Yunus) reached the sea where Korah (Qarun) was, Korah said to his guardian angel: What is this sound and fear I hear? The angel said: This is Jonah whom God has imprisoned in the stomach of fish and made him go round the seven seas and end up in here. this sound and fear is for his sake.
Korah said: do you permit me to speak to him? The angel said: Yes.
Then Korah (Qarun) said to Jonah (AS): Why don’t you repent to your Lord?
Jonah said: Why didn’t you yourself repent to your Lord? Korah said: I repented to Moses (AS) but he did not accept it. However, if you repent to God, you will receive His Mercy in the first step you take. Don’t you see how kindly He treats His servants and how He showers them with His mercy?”
One of the signs of God’s mercy is that He has encouraged believers to recite Dua for their brothers in faith saying: Call upon Me with a tongue you have not committed sin and that is the tongue of others.”
One of the other signs of God’s mercy are those Hadiths which encourage believers to offer the reward of prayers for the deceased. God has sent manifold reward for it in a way that it has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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375. “Whoever enters a cemetery and recites the Quranic Chapter, Yaseen, God will reduce punishment on the deceased buried in that cemetery on that day and good deeds will be written for this person, as many as the number of the deceased.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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376. “The reward of prayer, fast, Hajj, alms, Dua, and charity after the death of a person goes to him and its reward is written both for those who perform these deeds and for the dead person.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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377. “Every muslim who does a good deed on behalf of a dead person, God will give him a double reward and benefit the dead person.”
The third sign of God’s bountiful mercy is His decree to the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) when He said:

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– “So know that there is no god but Allah, and, ask forgiveness for your fault and for the believing men and the believing women.” (Verse 19 of the Quranic Chapter, Muhammad)
Dear reader ponder on this Quranic verse and see how God has put the decree of seeking forgiveness alongside monotheism which is the basis of Islam and divine commandments revolve round this axis. Is this anything but His bountiful mercy? God was not content with it either, for somewhere else He says:

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“I am to be found wherever My servant thinks I am.”
Another proof testify to God’s bountiful grace and kindness towards one who has good opinion of Him is verse 23 of the Quranic Chapter, Maidah, which recommends reliance on God:

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“….and on Allah should you rely if you are believers.”
Then God gives us the good tidings of a good reward for it:

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“….and they said: Allah is sufficient for us and most excellent is the protector. So they returned with favor from Allah and (His) grace; no evil touched them and they followed the pleasure of Allah…..” (Verse 173-174 of the Quranic Chapter, The Family of Imran)
In addition, God has given the good tidings:

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“Surely Allah loves those who rely on Him.” (Verse 159 of the Quranic Chapter, The Family of Imran)
Imam Sadeq (AS) was asked about the degree of trust. The Imam (AS) said:

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378. “When he is with God, he no longer fears anything.”
Therefore, the main axis of trust in God is good opinion of Him, for, only one who has god opinion of God fear none but Him.
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Kazeem (AS):

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379. “By God, the reward of this world and Hereafter was not given to any believer save for:
-His god opinion of God and his hope in Him
-His good Temper
-Not backbiting the believers
God will punish a man after repentance and forgiveness save for:
-Having suspicion and lacking hope in God
-Bad temper
-Backbiting the believers

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-”A believer never has good opinion of God unless God treats him on the basis of that good opinion, for, God is Generous and is ashamed of opposing His servant’s opinion and hope. Therefore, improve your opinion of God and show eagerness towards Him, for God Himself in verse of the Quranic Chapter, Fatah, says:

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“….the entertainers of evil thoughts about Allah. On them is the evil turn, and Allah’s wrath is with them:”
It has been related in a Hadith:

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380. “When God has reckoned the deeds of people, there remains one person whose evil deeds surpass his good deeds. Angels take him to throw into Fire. While he is looking behind him, God tells the angels to send him back saying: Why were you looking behind you? Evidently God knows the reason. The man says: O God! My good opinion of you was different from this. At this time, God says: My angels, by My Glory! This man had no good opinion of Me even for a single day. Nevertheless take him to paradise, for he claims he has good opinion of Me.”
Ata Ibne Yassar reports on the authority of Amiralmomenin (AS):

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381. “On the Day of Judgement, a man is held before God. Then it is said to angels: Compare My blessings with his deeds. But the blessings surpass the deeds, and overwhelm them. Here God says: I granted all My blessings to him. Compare his good and evil deeds. At this time if they are equal, God removes evil deeds for the sake of good deeds and make him enter paradise. If his good deeds are greater, God forgives him but if his evil deeds are more but he had been pious and had not set a partner for God, He will forgive the man and make him one of those entitled to forgiveness and should He will, He will make him enter paradise due to His forgiveness.”
A Hadith says:

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382. “God gathers all people on the Day of Judgment while some of them have rights on others and God has rights on them too. At this time God says: O my servants! I remit My own rights. You too remit your rights against one another and enter paradise all through My mercy.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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383. “On the Day of Judgment, there is a call from God’s Throne saying; O nation of Muhammad! I remit all the rights I had against you. There remains your own rights. Therefore, remit one another’s right and enter paradise through My mercy.
Mohammad Ibne Khaled Barghi has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
384. “There was a pious man among Bani Israel. God inspired prophet David (AS) that the pious man was hypocritical. After sometime the man passed away. Prophet David did not attend his funeral service but forty men of Bani Israel did so and said:
O God! We know nothing but good about him. Yet You are the All-knowing. Forgive him his sins. After bathing the corpse, forty others rose up saying: O God! We know nothing but good about him. Yet You are the All-knowing. Forgive him his sins. After having buried him, forty others came and said:
O God! We know nothing but good about him. Yet You are the All-knowing. Forgive him his sins.
At this time God said to David: Why didn’t you pray for him? David said: You Yourself said he is hypocritical. God said: Since a group of people testified that he was good, I accepted their testimony, hence I forgave him for what I knew but they did not know.”
Fear of God
Hope should always be accompanied with fear. In this relation Amiralmomenin (AS) has said:

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385. “Try to have good opinion of God and fear Him at the same time, for everyone’s good opinion of God is to the extent of his fear of Him. Therefore Those who have a better opinion of Allah, have more fear of Him.”
Hassan Ibne Abi Sarah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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386. “A servant of Allah does not attain the position of belief unless he is both hopeful and fearful. Nor will he become hopeful and fearful unless he acts according to his fear and hope.”
Ali Ibne Mohammad had reported on the authority of one of the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW): I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): Some of your followers commit wrong doings and say we are hopeful of God’s mercy. Imam Sadeq (AS) said:

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387. “They are lying. They are never our friends. These are persons whose desires have defeated them, for one who is hopeful of something, will try to attain it and one who fears something escapes from it.”
Examples of the prophets and Imams’ fear
1- In a Hadith, we read:
388. The supplication of prophet Ibrahim could be heard from a mile so much so that God described Ibrahim as follows:

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“Most surely Ibrahim was forbearing, tender-hearted, Oft-returning (to Allah).” (Verse 75 of the Quranic Chapter, Hud)
2- The same was true with the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW).
3- When Amiralmomenin began to perform ablution, he would look pale out of fear of God.
4- Hazrate Fatimah used to be excited while praying out of fear of Allah.
Asked for reason, the Imam said:

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389. “One who wishes to attend the presence of the Lord of the Throne, should lose color.”
6- The same has been reported about Imam Zeinulabedin.
7- Mafzal Ibne Omar has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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390. “Quoting his father, my father has said: Imam Hassan Ibne Ali (AS) was the most pious, the most devoted and the most learned man of his time. Whenever he went on Hajj, he would go on foot and on many occasions bare-footed.
Whenever he remembered death, he would start crying. When he remembered resurrection, he would start weeping. Whenever he remembered Saraat, he would bitterly weep and when he remembered offering his deeds to God, he would weep loudly and keep silent. When he stood for praying before God, his two sides started trembling and whenever he remembered paradise and Hell, he would become excited as a man bitten by snake. He wished for paradise and sought refuge with Him from Hell.”
8- Ayesheh has reported:
The Holy Prophet (SAW) used to speak to us and we spoke to him but when it was prayer time, it was as if neither he knew us nor did we know him.
When those who are close to God as well as His Messengers and the Imams are overwhelmed with such a fear, what should we who are drowned in wrongdoings do?
g- One should not ask God for something which is unlawful or severing the ties of kinship.
h- One should not ask for something which leads to indecency or impudence.
The commentators in their interpretation of Verse 55 of the Quranic Chapter, Araf,

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“Call on your Lord humbly and secretly; surely He does not love those who exceed limits.” have said: Humbly and secretly means invoke God humbly. Those who exceed the limits are persons who, for instance, ask for the position of prophets.
Amiralmomenin (AS) has said:

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391. “O you who often recite Dua, never ask anything which is either impossible or unlawful.”
The Imam has also said:

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392. “Whoever asks for something which is beyond his capacity deserves to be deprived of it.”
i- Purification of stomach through fasting and repentance again.
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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393. “Whoever eats lawful things for forty days, God will illuminate his heart.”

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394. “God has an angel who every night calls on Beitolmoghaddass: Whoever eats unlawful things, neither obligatory nor recommended deeds are accepted from him.”

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395. “Should you perform prayer so much so that you will become like the rim of a bow and fast as much as you will become like a bow, God will not accept it unless you abstain from unlawful things.”

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396. “Praying while eating unlawful things is as building a house on sands or on water.”

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397. “Dua needed for deeds is the same amount of salt needed for food.”

Things to Do Along with Dua
a- Make pause while reciting Dua:
In the Old Testament, it has been pointed out:

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398. “Don’t get bored by reciting Dua, for I will never get bored by answering.”
Abdulaziz Ibne Taweel has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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399. “Should a man who is reciting Dua not haste, God will fulfill his desire.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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400. If a man makes haste in reciting Dua and rises up, God will say: Doesn’t My servant know that it is Me, Allah who fulfills the desires?
In another Hadith, we read:

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401. “Whenever a man performs his prayer hastily, God will say: My servant made haste in his prayer, does he think that his needs are in the hands of anyone but Me?”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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402. “O seeker of knowledge! Perform prayer before you have no power to perform prayer day or night. The likeness of a worshipper is as a person who goes to a king’s court and the king listens to him as long as he is speaking about his demands. A muslim is like him too. As long as he is in prayer, God will listen to him till he completes it.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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403. “Whenever you perform an obligatory prayer, do it as a person who is performing his last prayer before his death. Then direct your eyes to your prostration site. If you know that persons on your right and left side watch you, you will perform a better prayer. Yet know that you are in the presence of One Who sees you but you don’t see Him.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) has said:

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404. “O Abazar! As long as you are in prayer, you are knocking at the door of the king of the world and whoever knocks at the door of such king, the door will be opened to him. O Abazar! Whenever a believer stands in prayer, he will be showered with good as much as his distance to God’s throne, and God will assign him an angel saying: O son of Adam! Should you know what lies in your prayer and whom you are invoking, you will never get tired nor will you turn to anything else.”
In a revelation made to the son of Imran, God says:

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405. “O Moses! Choose repentance and renounce sin. When you are standing in prayer in My presence, be careful. Don’t be fond of anyone but Me. Take Me as a shield of ease against hardships and a fort against the army of events.”
b- Persistence in Dua
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

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406. “God loves one who calls upon Him persistently.”
Walid Ibne Aqabeh Hejri has reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):
407. “By God! No believer has ever persisted in expressing his needs which God has not fulfilled.”
Abossabah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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408. God does not love people to persist in asking something from one another but loves it about Himself. God loves people to ask for what He has with Him.”
c- Name your desires
Ibne Abdullah Farra has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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409. “God does know what His servant desires in his Dua but loves him to say them before Him.”
Ka’abolahbar has reported on the authority of the Old Testament:

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“O Moses! Whoever loves Me, will not forget Me and whoever hopes in My virtues, persist in his invocation. O Moses! I am not ignorant of My creatures but I love My angels to hear the supplication of My servants and My attendants to see how the children of Adam seek nearness to Me for the things the means and power of which are in My hand.”
d- Hide your Dua
Firstly this kind of Dua is far from the pest of hypocrisy and secondly it has been recommended by God:

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“Call on your Lord humbly and secretly.” (Verse 55 of the Quranic Chapter, Araf)
And thirdly there are many Hadiths in this connection:
Ismaeel Ibne Homam has reported on the authority of Imam Reza (AS):

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410. “A secret Dua of God’s servant is equal to seventy open Dua.
In another Hadith, we read:

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411. “A Dua kept secret is better than seventy Dua made public.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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412. “God is proud of three persons before angels:
1- One who is in a desert; recites Adhan and Eqameh and performs his prayer. Here, God says to angels: Look at My servant, he is worshipping Me while no one but Me sees him. At this time, seventy thousand angels descend from heaven, pray behind him and ask forgiveness for him till the following day.
2- One who rises up to perform prayer by himself goes into prostration and is overtaken by sleep. Herem God says: Look at My servant. His spirit is with Me, but his body is in prostration before Me.
3- One who is at war; his friends escape but he is steadfast, and fights on till he is killed.”
e- Include others in your Dua
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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413. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: Whenever you recite Dua, include others in your Dua, for it is highly recommended.”
f- Gather together for Dua
In verse 28 of the Quranic Chapter, Kahf, God says:

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-”And withhold yourself with those who call on their Lord.”
In addition, for Mubaheleh (invoking curse of Allah upon those who lie) an assembly has been ordered. Abu Khaled has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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414. “It has never happened that forty people assemble in a place and invoke God for something whose call has not been answered by God. If they are not forty, let four people assemble and call on God ten times so that their call will be answered, and if they are not four, even a single person may call on God forty times, and recite Dua so that God will answer.”
Abdul Alaa has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
415. “It has never happened that four persons assemble for invoking God, who have not been disperse with their desires fulfilled.”

Saying Amen in Dua
One who says “ameen” shares the Dua. In verse 89 of the Quranic Chapter, Yunus, addressing Moses and Haroon, God says:

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“The prayer of you both has indeed been accepted.”
Infact, Moses had recited Dua and Haroon had said: “ameen” but God attributes it to both.
Ali Ibne Aqabah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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416. “Whenever my father was sad about something, he would gather women and children for reciting Dua and they would say: “ameen”.
Sokooni has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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417. “One who recites Dua and one who says ameen shares the Dua.”
g- Be humble
In verse 55 of the Quranic Chapter, Araf, God says:

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“Call on you Lord humbly and secretly.”
In the Dua of the Infallible, it has been pointed out:
418. “Only revelations made to Moses is as follows:

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“O Moses! When you are calling on Me, be humble, broken-hearted, and fearful. Rub your face against earth, and prostrate before Me with your best body members. Raise your hands in begging before Me in Qunut (communion with God) and invoke Me fearfully in your supplications.”
One of the revelations made to Jesus (AS) is as follows:

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419. “O Jesus! Call on Me as a person who is being drowned and oppressed man who has no helper. O Jesus! Humble your heart before Me and remember Me privately most of the time. Know that My happiness is when you come to Me with fear and hope. Don’t ever come to Me with a dead heart but with a living and happy heart. Let Me hear a sad voice.”
It has been related in a Hadith:

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420. “When God sent Moses and Haroon to Pharaoh, He said to them: Let not their elegant garments frighten you, for his reins of affairs are in My hand. Do not ever be surprised by his enjoying of the worldly wealth and its ornaments, for if I wished, I could give you such ornaments that whenever Pharaoh sees you, he would find himself incapable before it.”

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– “But I prefer you two to him. Therefore I alienated the world from you, for this is the way I treat My friends. I will give them that amount of worldly blessings which a shepherd gives to his sheep from the herbs of destruction. I keep My friends from compromise with world in the same way that a kind camel driver keeps his camels from precipices. Therefore, keeping My friends from the world is not because they have no value for Me but it is because I wish to give them a perfect share of safety and honor.”

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– “The ornaments of My friends before Me are humility, modesty and the fear that have dwelt in their hearts and are manifest in their bodies such a state is their inner and outer form and will lead to their prosperity so that they will attain the positions they desire. Their victory lies in the same humility upon which they pride themselves. This is the feature by which they are known.”

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“O Moses! Whenever you meet them, lower your wing for them, treat them saftly and humble your heart and tongue for them and know that whoever frightens My friends, has risen to fight Me and I will be wrathful to him on the Day of Judgment.”
h- Praise God before Dua
Hareth Ibne Moghayreh has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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422. “A person entered a mosque, performed two Rak’at of prayer and asked something from God. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: This man has been in a hurry in the presence of God. Another man came, performed a two-Rak’at prayer, then praised God and sent greetings to the Messenger of God. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Express your desire and it will be fulfilled.”
Muhammad Ibne Moslem has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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423. “In the book of Amiralmomenin, it has been pointed out: The place of expressing is after praising God. Therefore, whenever you wish to recite Dua, first praise God.”
The narrator says: I asked the Imam how should we praise Him? The Imam said: Say:

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“O the One who are nearer to me than my Jagular vein! O the One who go between man and his heart! O the One who are superior in the eyes! O the One who have no likeness!”
Moavieh Ibne Ammar has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
424. “Praise God first, then confess your wrongdoings, then express your desire. By God! No one’s sin is forgiven except through confession.”
Issa Ibne Abilghassem has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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425. “Whenever one of you wishes to express his desires to God, he should first praise God, for when a person wishes to ask something from a king, he will use good words as much as possible. Therefore, when you need something first praise God in this way.”

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“O you who are the Most Generous among the generous ones! O You who are the Best one whom one can beg! O You who are the Most Merciful among the merciful ones! O the One! O the Unique! O You on whom all depend! O You who beget not nor are You begotton! O You the like of whom does not exist. O You who have not chosen any wife nor child! O You who will do whatever you wish! O You who will decree whatever You will! O you who will destine (determine) whatever you wish! O You who go between man and his heart! O You who are supreme in outlook! O You who are like nothing! O the All-hearing, O the All-seeing….”

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“Pronounce the Attributes of Allah as much as you can, for He has many attributes and then send greetings to Mohammad and his progeny and then say:”

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“O God! Extend Your lawful sustenance to me; the amount by which I can save face; pay my debts; observe the ties of kinship; and let it be an assistance by which I can perform major and minor hajj.”
i- Recite salawat (greeting) to the Holy Prophet and his progeny (AS)
Abu Basir has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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426. “The Holy Prophet said: Whoever forgets to recite salawat when my name is mentioned before him, God will lead him to a wrong path through paradise.”
Ibnolghaddah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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427. “”My father heard from a man who had hung himself to Kaba saying: O God send greetings upon Muhammad. He said to him: Don’t shorten that formula of blessing nor be unjust to us, rather say: O God! Send Your greetings upon Mohammad and his household.”
Abdullah Ibne Naeem relates the following Hadith: I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): I entered the House of God while I could not remember any Dua except Salawat. The Imam said:

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428. “No one has done better than what you did.”
Jaber has reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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429. “A man being in the Fire of Hell was calling a hundred and forty Kharif, every Kharif having a hundred and forty years. Then he invoke God through Mohammad and his household saying: Have mercy on me. Here God inspired Gabriel with a revelation saying: Descend towards my servant, bring him to Me from Hell. Gabriel said: O Lord! How can I go into Fire? Gabriel said: O Lord! How can I go into Fire? God said: I ordered the Fire to become cold and safe for you. Gabriel said: O Lord! I do not know where he is. God said: He is imprisoned in ditch. Going to him and seeing that man’s feet were tied and hung by face, Gabriel said to him: How long have you been in Fire? He said: I do not know how long I have been left here? Gabriel took him to God. Then God said to him:
O my servant! How long have you been calling on Me in Fire?
He said: I do not know My Lord! God said: By My Glory! If you had not uttered these words, I would have kept you in Hell, for I have made it My duty to forgive any man who invokes Me through Muhammad and his household. It is for this reason that I have forgive you to day.”
Salman, the Persian has reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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430. “God says: O My servant! Has it not happened that someone asks a big thing from you but you are not willing to fulfill it unless he brings the most believed person to persuade you to fulfill those desires for the sake of that intercessor? Let it be known to you that the most honorable and supreme creature with Me is Muhammad and his brother Ali and the Imams who are the medium of nearness to Me. Be aware that whoever has a great desire and wishes for a benefit or removal of a harm, if he calls on Me through Muhammad and his pure progeny, I will fulfill his desires far better than fulfilling the desire of one who has taken the most believed creature of God as an intercessor.”
While Salman was reporting this, some of the polytheists and hypocrites who were ridiculing him said: O Salman! Why don’t you invoke God through these people to make you the most wealthy man in Medina?
Salman said: I called on God and requested Him to give me something which is superior to and more profitable than ruling over the whole world. I invoked God through these honorable persons to give me a tongue which praises God, a heart which thanks His blessing, a body which can forbear all hardships. God too fulfilled all my desires. What I asked God is a thousand times better than ruling over the whole world.
Muhammad Ibne Ali Babvieh has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
431. “Zoleikha said: Praise is due to God who makes kings slave because of their sins and kings slaves as a result of their devotion.
Yusuf (AS) said: O Zoleikha! What prompted you to do so? Zoleikha said: The beauty of your face, O Yusuf!
Yusuf said: So what will you do if you see the last prophet, whose name is Muhammad (SAW) and he is more beautiful, more good tempered and more generous than I am? Zoleikha said: You are right, Yusuf said: how do you know that I am telling the truth? Zoleikha said: As soon as you mentioned his name, his love was placed in my heart. Here God inspired Yusuf that Zoleikha tells the truth and since he loves Muhammad I love her too. Then God ordered Yusuf to marry Zoleikha.
Jaber has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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432. “One of angels asked God to give him the power of hearing God’s servant. God too fulfilled his desire, hence whenever a believer recites Salawat, the angel will firstly say peace be upon you and secondly he will say to the Holy Prophet (SAW): O Messenger of Allah! Such and such a person sends greetings upon you and the Holy Prophet too will say: Peace be upon him.”
Amiralmomenin (AS) has said:

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433. “Four persons were given special hearing power: The Holy Prophet (SAW), paradise, Hell and Houri (nymph of paradise). Whenever a servant of God, completes his prayer, he should recite Salawaat, long for paradise, take refuge to Him from Hell and wish to marry a Houri, for whoever recites Salawaat for the Holy Prophet (SAW), his Dua will go up to heavens. Whoever asks God for paradise, paradise will say: O God! Give your servant whatever he wishes. O whoever seek refuge to God from Hell, the Hell will say: O God! Give refuge to Your servant from what he has sought refuge. And whoever desires Houri, the Houri will say: O God! Grant the desire of Your servant.”
Muhammad Ibne Moslem has reported on the authority of Imam Baqer or Imam Sadeq (AS):

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434. “There is nothing more heavy in the scales of deeds than Salawaat. On the Day of Judgement, a man’s deeds are brought and put in the scales. They see they are light but the Holy Prophet (SAW) brings Salwaats and put then in the scales making them heavy.”
Hesham Ibne Saalem has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
435. “Dua is hidden from God (not answered) unless the supplicant recites Salawaat.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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436. “Whoever recites Dua without mentioning the name of the Holy Prophet (SAW), that Dua will hover above him till he mentions the Holy Prophet’s name in which case his Dua will go up to heavens.”

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437. “Whoever has a desire, should recite Salawaat first, then he should ask for his desire and bring his Dua to an end with Salawaat, for God is too generous to answer two sides of Dua but abandon the middle of it since Salawaat is not hidden to Him.”
j- Weep while you are reciting Dua
Weeping is the sign of humility and supreme position for the following reasons:
Firstly- Weeping suggests tender-heartedness and tender-heartedness suggests devotion and devotion entails fulfillment of Dua. Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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438. “Whenever you trembled to the skin, your eyes were replete with tears, and your heart became apprehensive, keep that state well, for you have attained your objective.”
On the contrary, dry eyes and no tears are the sign of hardheartedness which indicate:
1- Being away from God. Addressing Moses (AS) God said:

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“O Moses! Let not your desires be too far, for it hardens your heart and a hard heart is distant from Me.”
2- The Dua recited by such a person is not answered, for Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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“God does not accept any Dua from a hard heart.”
Secondly- Weeping suggests man’s cutting off of hope with all but God and a sign of being humble, about which the Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

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439. “Whenever God loves a servant, He will place a hue of sorrow in his heart, for He loves grief-stricken heart. One who is weeping out of fear for God, will not enter Hell so long as milk does not return to a mother’s breast. One who endeavors in the way of God, will never go to Hell. Whenever God hates a man, He will place in his heart a hymn of laugh which will make his heart wither. God does not love those who indulge in merrymaking.”
Thirdly- Weeping is concordant with God’s decree to His Messengers including to prophet Jesus (AS):

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440. “O Jesus! Bring to me as gift the tears of your eyes and the tear of your heart. Stand on the graveside of the deceased and call them loudly so that they will hear your sermon say to yourself: I too will join them. Shed tears for My sake and humble your heart to Me. O Jesus! Seek help from Me in hardships, for I will help the grief-stricken ones and answer the depressed ones, since I am the Most Merciful of the merciful ones.”
And in His revelation to Moses (AS) God says:

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441. “O Moses! When you are calling upon Me, you should be fearful, sympathetic and broken-hearted. Rub your face against the earth, and prostrate before Me with your best body parts. When you are standing before Me, raise your hands for begging in Qunut and invoke Me fearfully in supplication. During your lifetime, you must enliven My Torah, teach My virtues to the ignorant and remind them of My blessings and say to them: Do not ever keep on staying in bewilderment, for My chastisement will be painful.
O Moses! Let not your desires be too far in the world, for it will make you hardheated and the hardhearted are distant from Me. Let your heart wither from fear of Me, let your garment be old and torn but your heart new. Be unknown for the inhabitants of the earth and familiar for the inhabitants of heavens. Dwell at home and keep awake praying at night, be obedient to Me as the patient ones, cry out towards Me because of too many sins, cry out as a man who is escaping from the enemy and seek My assistance, for I am the Best Helper.”
God has also said:

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442. “O Moses! Make Me your shield and leave to Me your treasure which is your good deeds.”
Fourthly-There are virtues in shedding tears which are not found in other prayers. In a Hadith, we read:

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443. “Between paradise and Hell, there is a defile which no one can pass but those who shed tears out of fear of God.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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444. “God blessed Me and said: By My Glory! What those who shed tears receive from Me can never be received by the worshippers. I will build palaces for them in lofty places, and others will not share it with them.”
God inspired prophet Moses in this way:

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445. “Cry for yourself as long as you are in this world, fear those things which make you entitled to Fire and annihilation. Don’t by deceived by ornaments and beauty of the worldly life.”
God inspired prophet Jesus in this way:

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446. “O Issa, son of Maryam! Cry for yourself as a person who is saying farewell to his family, leaving the world for those who love it and is fond of things he has with God.”
It has been reported on the authority of Amiralmomenin (AS):

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447. “When God was speaking to Moses (AS), Allah’s interlocutor said: O God! What is the reward of one who sheds tears out of fear of You? God said: O Moses! I will protect his face from the Fire of Hell and I will spare him on a Day when there is loud cries.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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448. “All eyes are weeping on the Day of Judgment except three eyes: Those eyes which do not see unlawful things, those eyes which pass the night in prayer and those eyes which shed tear out of fear of God.”

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449. “Every thing has a weight and a measure save tear a drop of which can extinguish seas of fire. When eyes are replete with tears, that face will experience neither hardship nor disgrace on the Day of Judgment. When tears run from eyes, God will make that face Haram (forbidden) for the Fire. If someone cries for an Ummah, God will make all of them entitled to His mercy.”

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450. “On the Day of Judgement there are no eyes which are not weeping save those eyes which had wept out of fear of God. No eyes were replete with tears out of fear of God unless God made other parts of his body haraam to the Fire. No tearful eyes have ever experienced hardship and humiliation.
Everything has a weight and measure save tears with a small amount of which God will extinguish seas of fire. If a man weeps for an ummah, God will make that ummah entitled to His mercy as a result of the weeping of the same servant.”
Moavieh Ibne Ammar has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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451. “In the last will of the Holy Prophet (SAW) to Imam Ali (AS) it has been pointed out: O Ali! I recommend you to observe some virtues. Then the Holy Prophet said: O God! Help Ali to observe them. Then he enumerated those virtues until he said: The fourth one is weeping much out of fear of God against every drop of which, a thousand dwellings will be built in paradise
Abu Hamzeh has reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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452. “Nothing is more beloved to God than a drop of tear shed in the dark of night for the fear of Allah.”
Ka’abolahbar says: By the One in whose hand my life is! If I weep out of fear of God and tears run on my face, it is better for me than a mountain of gold given as alms in the way of God.
Ibne Abi Amir has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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453. “Grand inspired prophet Moses (AS): My servants did not gain favor through anything more beloved than three virtues. Moses said: O God! What are those virtues? God said: O Moses! Those virtues are piety in this world, keeping away from sin, and weeping out of fear of Me.”
Moses said: O God! What is reward for one who has such qualities? God said: O Moses! The pious of this world will dwell in paradise. Those who weep out of fear of Me have a superior position which no one will share, and as for those who have abandoned sins, on the Day of Judgment, I will question all but I will not question them.”
In the farewell sermon of the Holy Prophet, it has been pointed out:

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454. “One who sheds tear out of fear of God, against every drop of those tears, his deeds and rewards will be as big as Mt. Ohod recorded for him and against each drop of those tears, a spring, there will be cities and castles no eyes have seen, no ears have heard of, and no mind has imagined.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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455. “Prophet Ibrahim (AS) said: O God! What is the reward of a face wet with tears shed out of fear of You? God said: The reward is forgiveness, and the position will be My pleasure on the Day of Judgement.”
Ishaq Ibne Ammar reports: I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): I recite Dua and I wish I could weep, but tears do not come to my eyes. However when I remember a relative who has died, my heart is broken and my tear starts running. Is it something permissible? Imam Sadeq (AS) said:

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456. “Yes, it is: Remember the deceased and when your heart is broken weep for God’s sake.”

Tabaaki (Pose for weeping)
Even if you don’t feel like weeping, pose for it so that tears will come to your eyes. In connection with Tabaaki, Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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457. “Even if you are not weeping, pose as someone who is weeping.”
Saeed Ibne Yassaar reports: I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): If tears do not come to my eyes while I am reciting Dua, can I pose as someone who is weeping? The Imam said:

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458. “Yes even if it is the size of a head of a fly.”
Abi Hamzeh has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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459. “When you fear something happen, or desire something, first praise God and glorify Him as He deserves, then recite Salawaat and then shed tears even if it is the size of a head of a fly, for my father said: The nearest state of God’s servant to Him is to go into prostration and weep in that state.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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460. “If weeping does not give you a positive response, and tears do not come to your eyes, pose as one who is weeping even if it is the size of the head of a fly, for blessed will be your state.”
While reciting Dua, you can subdue your eyes so as to shed tears:
-Remember your cardinal sins and disgrace on the Day of Judgment when all creatures fear God who is the Ruler on that day and knows everything.
-Picture the scene of the Day of Judgment before your eyes when tongues will become dumb and eloquent speaker will become silent, but body organs will have coarse voices and sweat will cover people in a way that it drops down from their ear lobes. A Day when hidden secrets are disclosed and man’s heart and mind become evident; evils are uncovered and no one will take notice of another.
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW):

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461. “On the Day of Judgement, people gather together barefooted and empty-handed while they are sweating all over.”
Hearing this, Soodeh, the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Woe to me! Will people see one another? The Holy Prophet said:

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“Everyone is busy and no one will take notice of others.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) then invoked verse 37 of the Quranic Chapter, Abassa:
“Every man of them shall on that day have an affair which will occupy him.”
And said:

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“How can they look at one another while they are pulling some people on their faces, some people on their ballies and crucifying others near the Fire till people get through with reckoning. They hang snakes round the necks of some people to bite them, while others are being crushed by quadrapeds and the animals which have horns strike others with their horns and crush them under their feet.”
Know that weeping to God and invocation with the aim to be redeemed from sins is a virtue but as long as there is no separation from sin, it will be useless. in this connection, Imam Zeinol Abedeen (AS) has said:

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462. “Fear of God does not mean weeping or shedding tears, for as long as there is no piety which keeps him from sins, the fear is false.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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463. “One day Prophet Moses (AS) saw a friend in prostration on his way. Moses passed by him and upon returning found him still in prostration. Moses said: If your desire were in my hand, I would fulfill it. God inspired him: O Moses! I will not answer him unless he stops his indecent deeds and turn to what I love.”
In another Hadith, we read:

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464. “One day prophet Moses on his way saw a man who was weeping. He went his way but when he passed by him again, found the man still weeping. Moses said: O God! Your servant is weeping out of fear of You. God said: O Moses! Even if this man weeps to death, I will not forgive him as long as he loves the world.”
In a revelation to Moses, we read:

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465. “O Moses! Call upon Me with an innocent heart and a truthful tongue.”
It has been reported on the authority of Amiralmomenin (AS):

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466. “Dua is key to prosperity and deliverance. The best Dua is one which comes out of a cleansed breast and a pious heart. Invocation leads to deliverance and devotion leads to relief. Therefore, whenever hardships increase, you have to supplicate to God.”
k- Confess your sins before Dua
Firstly- Confession shows that man has stopped hoping in anyone but God.
Secondly- Confession is the sign of being humble and anyone who is humble is highly promoted by God. In a Hadith, we read:
467. “A pious man served God for seventy years. He used to fast all days and engage in prayer all nights. He invoked God for something but was not answered. He turned to himself saying: There must be something wrong with yourself, for if there were any good in you, your desire would be fulfilled. At this time, God sent him an angel saying: O son of Adam! This very moment you made yourself humble is better than all your prayers in the past.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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468. “God sent revelation to Moses saying: Do you know why I chose you to speak to and not others? Moses said: No, my Lord! God said: O Moses! I searched among My servants every where but I did not find any one more humble than you, for whenever you perform prayer, you place your face on the earth.”
In another Hadith, we read:

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469. “I searched among My servants everywhere but I did not find any one more humble than you. For this reason I wish to make your position superior among My creatures.”
In a Hadith, we read:
470. “God sent revelation to Moses (AS) saying: Go up a mountain and invoke Me. There were several mountain which made itself humble saying to itself: I am too small for invocation by a messenger of the Lord of the worlds. At this time, God inspired Moses to go up the same mountain, for that mountain had made itself humble.”
it has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW):

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471. “There are things for which God will not give but good: Humility for which God will promote man’s position, modesty for which God will give self-respect and renouncing what is forbidden for which God will give wealth, and freedom from want.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also said:

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472. “God pleasure lies in humility and making the self humble.”
In God’s revelation to prophet David, we read:

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473. “O David: I have placed five things but people are looking for them in five other things and do not find them.”

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“I have placed knowledge in a thirst for it and endeavor but people look for it in surfeit and comfort and do not find it.”

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“I have placed honor in obedience to Myself but people seek it in serving the kings and do not find it.”

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“I have placed freedom from want in contentment but people seek it in too much wealth and do not find it.”

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“I have placed My pleasure, in the discontentment of self but people look for it in the contentment of self but do not find it.”

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Thirdly- One of the other advantages of confessing the sins, is fear of God and tender heartedness about which Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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“Whenever the heart of one of you is broken, he should recite Dua, for man’s heart is not broken unless it has been refined.”
Fourthly- On many occasions when the heart is broken, it will lead to the shedding of tears which is a constituent part of Dua.
Fifthly- Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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– “First praise God, then confess your sins, and finally invoke God, for no one has ever renounced sin save through confessing it.”
Therefore confessing the sins has five advantages:
1- Cause you to return to God
2- Cause your heart to be broken
3- Cause you to be tender-hearted, a sign of devotion, hence fulfillment of Dua.
4- Cause you to weep and weeping is the best way to approach God
5- Complying with the decree of Imam Sadeq (AS) with all your heart
l- Return to God with all your heart.
Evidently when you know that some one who is speaking to you is heedless of what he says, you too will not pay attention to what he is saying. In this connection, Imam Sadeq (AS) says:

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474. “Some one who wishes to know what his rank with God is, should see what God’s rank with him is, for God gives His servant the rank be gives to God.”
Amir al-mominin (AS) said:

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475. “God will not accept a Dua recited without the presence of heart.”
Seif Ibne Omeireh has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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476. “Whenever you call on God, turn to him with all your heart.”
One of the revelations of God to prophet Jesus (AS) is:

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-“do not recite Dua without supplication hence devote yourself with al your heart, for if you call on Me in this way, I will answer you.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Infallibles (AS):

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477. “Two Rak-at of prayer with meditation is better than prayer performed throughout the night while one’s heart is preoccupied with anyone but God.”

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478. “Only that part of prayer in which you have presence of heart will benefit you.”
It has been reported on the authority of prophet (Enoch) Edris (AS):

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479. “Whenever you perform prayer, turn your memories and thought from other things. Call on the God while you are pure and happy and beseech Him your interests and what is advisable to you humbly, modestly and obediently.”

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450. “Whenever you fast, purify yourselves from all uncleanness and impurity. Fast for God with pure and refined hearts. Purify yourselves even from thinking about sins, for God considers as impure the polluted hearts and impure intentions.”
m- Recite Dua even when you don’t desire anything.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) said to Abazar:

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“O Abazar! Shall I teach you words which will benefit you?
Abazar said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. The Holy Prophet said: You preserve God so that He will preserve you. If you preserve Him, you will find Him in front of you. In the days of ease and comfort, he familiar with God so that He will know you in the days of need and hardships. If you have any desire invoke God and if you seek help, seek only from Him. Whatever exists in the world is destined by His pen till the Day of Judgment. If all people try to do everything possible to benefit you but God has not written it for you, they will never be able to do so.”
Haroon Ibne Kharejah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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-”Dua in the time of ease and comfort is good for the days of affliction.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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– “Should anyone who is afraid of tribulation, recite Dua beforehand, God will never show him that tribulation.”
Imam Zaynol Abideen (AS) has said:

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481. “Reciting Dua after the descent of tribulation has no benefit.”
n- Recite Dua for your brothers in faith and ask them to recite Dua for you:
Ibne Abi Omayar has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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482. “Whoever recites Dua for forty believers and then for himself, his Dua will be fulfilled.”
And he is advised to say the following after recommended midnight prayer in prostration:

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483. “O Lord of dawn and the ten nights, and the even and the odd and the night when it departs and the Lord and God of everything, send greetings to Muhammad and his progeny and give me and to such and such a person what suits You and do not give us what we deserve, O the Preserver and Forgiver!”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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484. “Nothing is more swiftly answered than a Dua recited for others.”
Fazl Ibne Yassaar has reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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485. “The most swiftly answered Dua is that of a believer for his brother in faith in his absence.”

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486. “The Dua recited by a mother for his believing brother in his absence is answered more swiftly than other Duas. When he recites this Dua, an angel is missioned to say: Ameen and the like of it for you.”
Abdullah Ibne Sanan has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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487. “A man’s Dua in his believing brother’s absence will have his sustenance increased and the evils removed.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:

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488. “The Messenger of Allah said: Whenever a believer recites Dua for other believers, God will return the same Dua to him as many as the number of every believing man and woman existing from the beginning of creation to the Day of Judgment. On such a day, a servant is brought and a decree says: Throw him into Fire. The angels drag him towards Fire. At this time the believing men and women say: O God! This is the same man who has recited Dua for us. It is here that they intercede for this man. God too will accept their intercession and he will be delivered.”
Ali Ibne Ibrahim has reported on the authority of his father: I saw Abdullah Ibne Jandab in Arafaat raising his hands towards heaven and tears running from his eyes. When all the people had left I said to him: O Aba Muhammad! I saw no one so much absorbed in Dua as you were. He said: By God! I did not recite Dua save for my brothers in faith, for Imam Kazem (AS) had said to me:

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489. “Whoever recites Dua in the absence of his brother in faith, there is a call from Divine throne saying: Let a hundred thousand times more than it be for you.”
I thought it was not advisable to leave a hundred thousand Duas which was certainly answered for one Dua for myself, which might or might not be answered.
Ibne Abi Omayreh has reported on the authority of Zeid Nerssi: Moavieh Ibne Wahab and I were in Arafaat. He was reciting Dua which his eyes were full of tears. Listening carefully to him, I found out that he was not reciting a single Dua for himself, rather he was reciting Dua for people from here and there in world mentioning their names and their fathers names. When people left Arafaat, I said to him: O uncle! I saw something strange about you. He said: What was strange? I said: In this holy place, you considered your brethren prior to yourself and recited Dua for others! He said: O my nephew! Don’t be surprised at this, for I heard from my master of former and future generations after his innocent fathers (AS), (If I lie, let my ears become deaf, my eyes blind and deprived from the Holy Prophet’s intercession) as saying:

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490. “Whoever recites Dua in the absence of his brother in faith, an angel from heaven will call him saying: O servant of an angel from thousand times more than it be for you. And an angel for the second heaven will call: O servant of God! Let two hundred thousand times more than that Dua be for you and angel from the third heaven will call: O servant of God! Let three hundred thousand times more than it be for you. And an angel from the fifth heaven will call: O servant of God! Let five hundred thousand times more than it be for you. And an angel from the sixth heaven will call: O servant of God! Let six hundred thousand times more than it be for you. And an angel from the seventh heaven will call: O servant of God! Let seven hundred thousand times more than it be for you. Then, God will say: I am the dependent One who will never become poor. O servant of God! Let a million times more than it be for you.”
O my nephew! which one is great: What I did or what you are saying?

Acts to Follow Dua
a- To recite Dua Frequently whether it is answered or not
-In case it is answered:
Abandoning Dua in this state is unjust. Rather, we should keep on praising God for answering our Dua. God blames those who act against this verse 8 of the Quranic Chapter, Zumar:

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“And when distress afflicts a man he calls upon his Lord, turning to Him frequently; then when He makes him possess a favor from Him, he forgets that for which he called upon Him before.”
And verse 12 of the Quranic Chapter Yunus:

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“And when affliction touches a man, he calls on Us, whether lying on his side or sitting or standing; but when We remove his affliction from him, he passes on as though he had never called on Us on account of an affliction that touched him; thus that which they do is made fair-seeming to the extravagant.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):
526. “A believer should recite Dua in the time of case and comfort as in the time of hardships. A believer should neither become infirm nor tired of Dua when his desire has been fulfilled, for Dua has a dignity with God.”
-In case the Dua is not answered:
On many occasions a delay in answering the Dua is because God loves the supplication of His servant and wishes him to be engaged in Dua furthermore. In this case, he should not abandon what God loves. Haven’t you heard Ahmad Ibne Muhammad Ibne Abi Nasr as saying: I said to Imam Reza (AS) may my soul be sacrificed for you! I have had a desire for many years but it has not been fulfilled. Hence, there is a worry in my heart. The Imam (AS) said:

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527. “O Ahmad! Keep away from Satan. Do not ever allow him to find a way to you making you disappointed, for Imam Baqer (AS) has said:
A believer may have a desire but its fulfillment might be delayed, for God loves his supplication. Then the Imam said: By God! Delay by God in what believers desire in this world is better than its hasty fulfillment.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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528. “A man who loves God recites Dua in affliction too and God will say to an angel appointed for it: Fulfill the desire of My servant but do not make haste, for I love to hear his voice. But when a man who is the enemy of God recites Dua in affliction man quickly, for I do not love to hear his voice. The Imam said: But people say: This man whose desire has been granted is certainly honorable with God and the one whose desire has not been granted is an abject person.”

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529. “A believer is always on the path of good and hopes in God’s Mercy as long as he does not make haste in having his desire fulfilled as a result of which he is disappointed and abandons Dua. The narrator says: I said: What is meant by making hasten? The Imam said: When he says I have been calling upon God for a long time but my desire has not been fulfilled.”

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530. “The believer calls upon God for his desire and God will say: Let there be a delay in the fulfillment of his desire, for I love his voice and Dua. On the Day of Judgment He will say: My servant! You called upon Me but I made a delay in fulfilling your desire. Your reward is such and such. You called upon Me on such and such affair too and I made a delay in fulfilling your desire too your reward is such and such. Then the Imam said: By observing the great divine reward, the believer wishes non of his desires in world has been fulfilled.”

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531. “The Messenger of God said: May God bless a servant of His who desires something and insist on it whether it is fulfilled or not.”
Then the Imam recited verse 48 of the Quranic Chapter, Marium as follows:

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“…..and I will call upon my Lord; may be I shall not remain unblessed in calling upon my Lord.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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“God loves one who calls on Him persistently.”
Kabolahbar says in the Torah, it has been pointed out:

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532. “O Moses! Whoever loves Me, will not forget Me and whoever hopes in My virtues, persists in his invocation. O Moses! I am not ignorant of My creatures but I love My angels to hear the supplication of My servants and My attendants to see how the children of Adam seek nearness to Me for the things the means and power of which are in My hand. O Moses! Say to Bani Israel, do not ever let blessings push you to rebellion, for in that case, they will be taken from you will fall into abjectness. Persist in Dua so that with My positive response you will be entitled to My Mercy and enjoy prosperity.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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-”By God! No believer has ever persisted in expressing his needs which God has not fulfilled.”
It has been reported on the authority of Mansoor Seighal:

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533. “I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): Can a person recite Dua and his Dua is answered but there is a delay in it for sometime? The Imam said: Yes. I said: Why? Does he have to recite more Dua? The Imam said: Yes.”
It has been reported on the authority of Ishaq Ibne Ammar:

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534. “I said to Imam Sadeq (AS): Can the Dua recited by a person be fulfilled but with a delay? The Imam said: Yes, even as long as twenty years.”
Hesham Ibne Saalem has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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535. “From the time God said to Moses and Haroon: “Your call was answered” to the descent of torment on Pharaoh it was forty years.”
Abi Baseer has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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536. “The believer recites Dua but its fulfillment is delayed till Friday.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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537. “A servant of God says: O God! Forgive me. But God turns away from him. Again he will say: O God! Forgive me. God turns away from him for the second time. The man says again: O God! Forgive me. Here God says to the angels: Don’t you see My servant? He asked Me for forgiveness while I was turning away from him. He asked for forgiveness for the second time. I turned away from him again. He asked for forgiveness for the third time. My servant realized that no one but Me forgives the sins. I take you as witness that I have forgive him.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:

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538. “God loves mostly those of His servant who often recite Dua.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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“Amiralmomenin was a man engaged in Dua most of the time.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has described Dua as a weapon:

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“Shall I introduce to you a weapon which will both keep you safe from the evils of your enemies and have your sustenance increased? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: Call upon your Lord day and night with Dua, for Dua is the weapon of the believer.”
O follower of truth! Let it be known to you that there are four enemies against you: Carnal desire, the world, Satan and concupiscence which have been mentioned in the Dua of the Infallibles as follow:

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539 “O God! Help me, assist me, against the carnal desire dominating me, against the world which has adorned itself for me, and against the concupiscence which calls me to vices all the time unless You have Mercy on me.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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540. “There is a Satan sitting on every heart but when God is remembered, Satan will leave the heart and disappear. If God’s remembrance is abandoned, man as a morsel is devoured and absorbed by Satan. As the result, Satan will deceive him and make him to err and rebel.”
It has been reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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541. “Good deed is a matter of habit.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) was asked: Why those who keep vigil in prayer are more beautiful than others? The Imam said:

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542. “Since they have private meeting with God and God too illuminates them with His light.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer and Imam Sadeq (AS) :

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543. “One of the revelations made to Moses was this: One who believes he loves Me but goes to sleep when night comes must be lying. O Son of Imran! How good it was if you could see those rising for prayer in darkness. While I am showing them My image. Though My position is the Most High, they address Me as if I am in their presence. O son of Imran! Give me tears of your eyes, humility of your heart, and modesty of your body. Then call on Me in the darkness of night to find Me as One who answers soon.”
Ali Ibne Mohammad Nofli reports on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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544. “A servant of God rises up at night for prayer but slumber takes him over from right and left so much so that his chin falls on his chest. At this time, God orders the gates of heaven to be opened saying to angels: Look at My servant and see what sufferings he has for what I have not made obligatory to him? He has three desires: To forgive his sins, to renew his repentance, and to increase his sustenance. O My angels! Be witness that I have granted the three desires.”
One day Imam Sadeq (AS) said to Mofazzel Ibne Saleh:

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545. “O Moafazzel! God has servants who trade with Him with devotion. He too trades with them what His purest virtues. They are the persons whose book of deeds is clean on the Day of Judgment and when they stand before God, they fill those books with the secrets they had with Him. Mofazzel says: I said: O my master! Why is it so? The Imam said: God considers them too great to disclose the secrets between Him and them to the angels.”
Dear follower of Truth! Do not ever be heedless of the holy position which is above that of paradise, for devotion leads man to paradise and what is above paradise which is God’s pleasure. In verse 119 of the Quranic Chapter, Maidah, we read:

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“Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Allah.”
And in verse 72 of the Quranic Chapter, Tobah, we read:

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“….and best of all is Allah’s goodly pleasure that is the grand achievement.”
In a sacred Hadith, it has been pointed out:

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546. “My truthful servants! Enjoy the blessing of worship Me in this world, for it is the same blessing you will enjoy in paradise.”
Amiralmomenin (AS) has said:

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547. “Sitting in a congregation mosque to me is better than sitting in paradise, for when I am sitting in paradise I am well pleased but when I sit in mosque, my Lord is well pleased.”
They asked a monk: “How do you tolerate solitude? He said: I am not alone, rather I am in God’s company. whenever I wish Him to speak to me I read His book, and whether I wish to speak to Him, I will perform prayer.”
It is reported on the authority of Imam Hassan (AS):

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548. “whoever becomes fond of God, is estranged from people. The sign of being fond of Him is to fear people.”
One day Moavieh, may God curse him told Zerar Ibne Zamrah Leissi to describe Ali (AS) for him. Zerar said: Exempt me fro this task. Moavieh said: You are not exempted. Zerar said: By God! He was strong and farsighted. His speech settled differences and hostilities and his judgment was the spirit of justice. Knowledge and wisdom were pouring down from him. He feared the world and its ornaments. By God, he meditated, supplicated and wept a lot. He wore coarse clothes and loved simple food.
When among us, he was one of us and when he received us, he was very close to us and when we asked something from him, he would fulfill our desire. Although he was very sincere, and we felt that sincerity, we did not dare to speak in front of him due to his awe nor did we dare to raise our look towards him due to his dignity. When smiling, it was such that only his front teeth which were like pearls showed themselves. He honored the faithful ones and loved the destitutes. Neither the powerful ones could allure him into injustice nor the oppressed were desperate about his justice. I take God as witness that I saw him in the altar lamenting and weeping in the middle of the night when darkness had spread everywhere and stars were hidden, crying out:

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549. “O world, o world, are you offering yourself to a person like me or expressing love to me? How far! Time is not proper for you. Deceive anyone but me. I do not need you, for I have divorced you three times, an irrevocable divorce. Your life is short, your position worthless and setting hope on you is the same as abjectness.
Woe to little provision, long journey, horrible path and the magnitude of what will befall us.”
When Zerar came to this point, tears started running on the face of Moavieh, which he wiped with his sleeve. Those around him started weeping too. Then Moavieh said: By God! Abol Hassan was exactly as you described. Now tell me how much do you love him? Zerar said: As Moses’ mother loved him. Yet he deserves more. Hence I apologize to God. Moavieh said: As a mother the head of whose child is cut on her breast, whose tears will never dry up and she will not calm down. At this time, Zerar rose up and left the meeting while weeping. Moavieh said to those around him: When I die, there will be no one among you to eulogize me as such. One of those present in the meeting said: The dignity of every person is the same as that of his company.
b- To draw hands on the face
Ibne Ghaddah has reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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550. “No man raised his hand towards God unless God is ashamed of returning it empty. Therefore, anyone of you who recites Dua should not pull it back without drawing it on his face.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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551. “No man extends his hand towards God unless God is ashamed of returning it empty and puts some of His bounty and mercy -that amount which He wills -in it. Therefore, when one of you recite Dua do not pull back your hand without having drawn it on your face.”
In another Hadith, we read: “You should draw it on your face and chest.”
In the Dua recited by the Infallibles, we read:

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552. “The hand of no seeker returned empty of Your bounty and grace.”
c- To end the Dua with Salawaat
In this connection, Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:

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“Whoever has desire should first recite Salawaat, then recite Dua for the fulfillment of his desire and finally end the Dua with Salawaat, for God is too Generous to fulfill two sides of Dua and abandons its middle since Salwaat is accepted by Him.”
d- To recite what has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):

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553. “Whenever a person recites Dua and then says: Whatever God wills, for there is no power but through God, the Most High, the Great, God will say: My servant has given up hope in people and has submitted to My order. Fulfill his desire.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Ali (AS):

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554. “Whoever wishes to have his desire fulfilled, should say after the Dua: Whatever God wills for, we will be submissive to it; whatever God wills, we will give earnest heed; whatever God wills will come to pass, for there is no might or strength save with God, the Exalted, the Great.”
e- To improve one’s state after Dua
Sins committed after Dua on many occasions hold back Dua. In the Dua recited by the Infallibles (AS) we read:

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555. “I seek refuge to You from the sins which rejected supplication and I seek to You from the sins which hold back the oath.”
Ibne Massood has reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

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556. “Avoid sins, for they will undo good deeds. Man commits sins as a result of which he will be hindered from midnight prayer. Man commits sin as a result of which he is deprived of the sustenance he can be easily given. Then, the Holy Prophet (SAW) recited verse 17 through 20 of the Quranic Chapter, the Qalam as follows: “Surely We will try them as We tried the owners of the garden, when they swore that would certainly cut off the produce in the morning. And were not willing to set aside a portion for the poor. Then there encompassed it a visitation from your Lord while they were sleeping. So it became as black, barren land…….”
It has been reported that God has said in the Psalms of David (AS):

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557. “O son of Adam! You invoke Me to give you what I know will benefit you and insist on it too. I too give it to you but you make use of it in committing sin. I too tear the veil and expose your sin. You recite Dua and I cover up your sins. How fairly I treat you and how unfairly you treat Me! Soon I will be so wrathful to you that I will never be pleased with you again.”
In what has been revealed to Jesus Christ (AS) it has been pointed out:

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558. “Do not ever allow to deceive you one who rebels against Me with sin and rebellion and enjoys the sustenance I give him but he is the servant of others. Nevertheless whenever he calls upon Me in hardships, I will fulfill his desire. Yet he returns to his former rebelling against Me or provoking My wrath? By Myself! I will take him in such a way that there will be no escape for him and he will have no shelter but Me. Where will he escape? From My earth and heavens?”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqer (AS):

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559. “A man asks his worldly desire from God and He too, due to His grandeur, fulfills that desire soon or late but that man commits sin afterward. Here God says to the angel appointed to fulfill that desire: Do not fulfill his desire, for he has provoked My wrath and should be deprived of My favor.”

Consequences of Sins
The Infallibles (AS) in their Duas seek refuge with God from sins yet their interpretation have been mentioned in a Hadith by Imam Zeinol Abedeen as such:

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560. “Those sins which alter blessings such as oppressing people, abandoning good deeds as a habit and ingratitude of blessing. In this connection, in verse 11 of the Quranic Chapter, Rad, we read:

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“……Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition.”

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“Those sins which leave regret behind are: To kill someone illegally. About Cain who killed his brother and did not know what to do with his brother’s dead body, God says: “So he became of those who regret.”

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“Also to abandon ties of kinship when he is capable of observing it, to delay performing his prayer, to abandon what has been recommended, not to help the oppressed, not to give alms till the coming of his death and his becoming tongue-tied.”

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“And those sins which destroy blessings are: Sins committed by a man who knows God, rebellion against people, and ridiculing them.”

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“Those sins which repels man’s enjoyment of God’s blessings are: To express one’s destitution, so sleep at the time of morning and night prayer, to underestimate God’s blessings and to complain of God.”

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“Those sins which tears the veil of innocence are: To drink wine, to gamble, to do something to make people laugh, idle talk, to joke, to find faults with people, and to associate with those whose ideas and deeds are dubious.”

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“Those sins which draw down tribulations are: Not to help someone who asks for help, not to help the wronged one, to misuse enjoining the good and forbidding the bad.”

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– “Those sins which make the enemy victorious are: To oppress people openly, to commit sin openly, to consider something unlawful as lawful, to rebel against the righteous, and to obey the wicked.”

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– “Those sins which cause despair are: To despair of God’s Grace, to get disappointed of God’s Mercy, to rely on others instead of God, and to consider God’s promise as false.”

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– “Those sins which make the sky dark are: Sorcery, fortune telling to believe in the effects of stars on man’s fate, to consider God’s will as false, and to be disowned by one’s parents.”

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– “Those sins which tear the veil (cause disgrace) are; To borrow but not to pay it back, to be extravagant, to be stingy in meeting the needs of the family, to be bad-tempered, to be impatient, to be lazy, and to contempt religious people.”

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– “Those sins which reverts Dua are: To have bad intention, to be evil in heart, to be hypocrite towards brothers in faith, not to confirm brothers in faith by abandoning a positive response, and to delay the obligatory prayers.”

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