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Doas and Supplications
A Way Out of Despair
Stress and anxiety keep getting deeper and any possibility of changing this feeling seems remote.
Why do we feel like that? Because we think there is no point in pinning hope on anybody, we are facing major tragedies, nobody cares about…
The Whispered Prayer of those who Hold Fast
In the Name of God, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate
1- O God,
O Shelter of the shelter-seekers!
O Refuge of the refuge-seekers!
O Deliverer of the perishing!
O Preserver of the pitiful!
O Merciful toward the miserable!
The Supplication for Wednesday
In the Name of God, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate
1- Praise belongs to God,
who appointed the night to be a garment,
and sleep for a rest,
and day He appointed for a rising!296
2- To Thee belongs praise,
for Thou roused…
Supplication of Abu Hamza al-Thumali
It is a supplication attributed to the fourth Shia Imam, also known by the honorific title Zayn al-Abidin (ornament of worshippers).
Abu Hamzah Al-Thumali, who was a companion of Imam Sajjad (AS), is the principal narrator of this…
Pilgrims in Najaf Mourn Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali (AS)
A large number of pilgrims attended the mourning ceremonies and also recitation of Al-Iftitah Supplication, according to the Astan (custodianship) of the holy shrine.
A flag on which “Fuzt Wa Rabb al-Kaaba” is written has been raised on…
Dua’a Kumayl
Dua'a Kumayl
O Allah! I beseech Thee by Thy mercy which encompasses all things
And by Thy power by which Thou overcometh all things and submit to it all things and humble before it all things
And by Thy might by which Thou hast conquered…
The Etiquettes of Dua (Supplication)
The Etiquettes of Dua (Supplication)
a- Purification
b- Application of perfume
c- Being in the direction of Qiblah
d- Giving alms
God Almighty says:
* * *
-”...Offer something in charity before your consultation.” (Verse 12 of the…
Special Dua OF Eid E Ghadeer
Special Dua OF Eid E Ghadeer
Special Dua OF Eid E Ghadeer
O He who, every day, exercises (universal) power, so (it was) under Thy mandate I was taken care of, and because of which I am among those who receive Thy response, follow thy…
The Significance of the Day of Arafah
The Significance of the Day of Arafah
The Significance of the Day of Arafah: This is an article which is basically a speech of the Respected Scholar Syed Jawad Naqvi which he gave in the previous year on the 9th of Zilhajjah which was “The…
Dahw al-Arz or Emergence and Spreading of Land
Several millennium years ago, on this day (the 25th of Zil-Qa’dah), by God’s commandment the first part of dry land emerged from under the seas on Planet Earth which until then was filled with water without any soil on its…