the third ayah of Surah Al-Ma’idah cannot be about the event of Ghadir!
According to Shia scholars and Quranic commentators, “الیوم اکملت لکم دینکم” which is part of the third ayah of Surah Al-Ma’idah, has been revealed apart and separate…
the Holy Prophet (s) mean political authority or religious and mystical authority did in the event of Ghadir Khum
According to Shiites, there is no doubt that the Wilayah (guardianship/authority) of the Commander of the Faithful that was…
Khetabe Ghadir
Ghadir Khumm is well known in the history of Islam as the site where Muhammad pronounced a significant declaration in favor of ʿAli b. Abi Talib, his cousin and son-in-law. The announcement took place during his…
History of the Celebration ghadir
Eid al-Ghadir in the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (a) in Najaf, Iraq. The photo is taken on November 3, 2012 by Shia Waves.
Muslims, especially Shi'a consider the day of Ghadir as one of the greatest eids…