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Imam Ali Sermon

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 7

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 7 Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 7: About the hypocrites ومن خطبة له (عليه السلام) يذم فيها أتباع الشيطان They have made Satan the master of their affairs, and he has taken them as partners. He has laid eggs and…

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 6

By Allah, I shall not be like the badger, that feigns sleep on continuous (sound of) stone-throwing till he who is in search of it finds it or he who is on the look out for it overpowers it. Rather, I shall ever strike the deviators from…

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 5

Steer clear through the waves of mischief by boats of deliverance, turn away from the path of dissension and put off the crowns of pride. Prosperous is one who rises with wings (i.e. when he has power) or else he remains peaceful and…

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 4

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 4 Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 4: Amir al-mu’minin’s far-sightedness and his staunch conviction in Belief ومن خطبة له (عليه السلام) وهي من أفصح كلامه (عليه السلام)، وفيها يعظ الناس ويهديهم من ضلالتهم ويقال: إنه…

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 2

Imam Ali's Sermons; Sermon 2 Imam Ali's Sermons; Sermon 2: Delivered on return from Siffin Arabia before proclamation of Prophethood ومن خطبة له ) عليه السلام (بعد انصرافه من صفين وفيها حال الناس قبل البعثة وصفة آل النبي ثمّ صفة قوم آخرين…

Imam Ali’s Sermons; Sermon 1

Imam Ali's Sermons; Sermon 1 Imam Ali's Sermons; Sermon 1: In this sermon, he recalls the creation of Earth and Sky and the creation of Adam and in it he mentions the Hajj ومن خطبة له (عليه السلام) يذكر فيها ابتداءَ خلق السماءِ والاَرض،…