Browsing Tag

Imam Husain

Holy Spider or sick spider?

This news could have filled people with delight and pride, but considering the film's features and the image it portrays of Iran and Iranians, it's debatable whether it's anything to be proud of.  For the first time, an Iranian woman won…

Peace is not Submission

In such an event, we cannot say that because we are the advocates of peace, we are opposed to war. Such a thing would mean that we are advocates of misery, advocates of surrender. Make no mistake; peace and surrender are as different from…

Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (AS)

Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (AS) was born on 11th of Shabaan 44 AH and he was the son of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (AS) and Umm-e-Laila (SA). He was a handsome young man of eighteen. He was also a brave soldier. He had been taught fencing and archery…