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Why Is Ramadan Important?

What is the reason behind this importance? Mohsen Qara’ati, a prominent Quran teacher and scholar from Iran, answers this question: The importance of Ramadan is because of the Quran. When God wants to introduce the month of Ramadan,…

Importance of Sahars of Ramadan

According to Hadiths, one who gets up during Sahar and without talking to anyone makes Wudu (ablution) and says two Raka’ats of prayer, two lines of angels start praying behind him or her. It is Mustahab (recommended) that one who wants…

Aamal for the nights of Qadr

Good actions in it (Laylatul Qadr), like prayer and charity and (other) types of goodness, are better than deeds of a thousands months in which there is no Laylatul Qadr.  If Allah (SWT) would not multiply the rewards of believers like…