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Shia Beliefs

Shiism as described by historians

Shiism as described by historians Study the annals of history reveals that the term shia, both during the Prophet’s (PBUH) life and after that, was used to denote the followers of Imam Ali (AS). Some examples of this usage follow. Masudi…

Origins of Shia Islam

Origins of Shia Islam There are many theories about the appearance of Shia that are completely baseless. Some believe, for instance, that Shia appeared as a result of political conflicts in the first century Hijri. Others have concluded…

The Verse of Wilaya

The Verse of Wilaya The Verse of Wilaya is a verse of the Quran which the majority interpreters concur was revealed concerning Imam Ali. It reads: “Your guardian (Wali) is only Allah (SWT), God’s Messenger, and the faithful who maintain…

Love for Ali in the Qur’an and Sunnah

Love for Ali in the Qur’an and Sunnah What we have said so far has shed light on the value and influence of love and it has incidentally become clear that love for the pure ones is a means for the reform and refinement of the soul, not…

Ghadir Khumm

Ghadir Khumm Ghadir Khumm is one of the five Miqats of Hajj Al-Tamattu on the way from Mecca to Medina and near Al-Jahfa, where the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) introduced Imam Ali (A.S) to the Muslims as his successor and the Imam (Leader)…

The Shia of Ali (A.S)

The Shia of Ali (A.S) Ibn Abbas narrated from the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P): When the verse “Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creation” (Quran 98:7) was revealed, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) said…