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Shia Islam: History and Doctrines

Shia Islam: Imam al-Hādī /30

Shia Islam: Imam al-Hādī /30 Shia Islam: Imam al-Hādī /30 Imam al-Hādī Imam ʿAlī al-Naqi, the tenth Shīʿa Imam, was born in 827 AD (Mufīd, Irshād; Kashf al-Ghamma) and died in 868 AD. His teknonym was Abū al-Ḥasan, and his…

Shia Islam: Imam Sajjād /25

Shia Islam: Imam Sajjād /25 Imam Sajjād The fourth Shīʿa Imam is Sajjād, the son of Imam Ḥusayn. He was born in 657 AD and passed away in 713 AD. Imam Sajjād was born at a time when his grandfather Imam ʿAlī was still Caliph and…

Shia Islam: Imam Ḥusayn /24

Shia Islam: Imam Ḥusayn /24 Imam Ḥusayn The third Shīʿa Imam, Ḥusayn, was the second son of ʿAlī and Fāṭima. He was born in 626 AD. He was named in a ceremony similar to the one held for his elder brother Ḥasan in the presence…