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Shia Islam: History and Doctrines

Shia Islam: Twelve Imams /21

Shia Islam: Twelve Imams /21 Twelve Imams Adherents of Twelver Shi’ism, the largest branch of Shi’ism, are commonly referred to as Twelvers, derived from their belief in twelve divinely-ordained leaders, known as the Twelve…

Shia Islam: temporary marriage / 17

Shia Islam: temporary marriage / 17 Shia Islam: temporary marriage / 17 Temporary marriage Our discussions here are mainly focused on Shīʿa doctrines and beliefs rather than legal and practical issues. However, some Shi’a…

Shia Islam: the Rajʿa /16

Shia Islam: the Rajʿa /16 Shia Islam: the Rajʿa /16 The Rajʿa as depicted in the Qur’an and traditions The Shīʿa are often criticized for believing in the Rajʿa, which is mentioned in some Qur’anic verses and narrations. Anyone…

Shia Islam: Bada/15

Shia Islam: Bada/15 Shia Islam: Bada/15 Badāʾ (lit. ‘appearance’) is a Shīʿa doctrine rooted in the Qur’an and the tradtions of the Prophet. It is similar abrogation (naskh) and both stem from the same source. However, the…

Shia Islam: The meaning of Taqiyya / 14

Shia Islam: The meaning of Taqiyya / 14 Shia Islam: The meaning of Taqiyya Taqiyya (‘dissimulation’) is a concept that appears in the Qur’an and has been highlighted in some verses. The Qur’an permits a believer to observe…

Shia Islam: The Awaited Imam 13

Shia Islam: The Awaited Imam Shia Islam: The Awaited Imam. All Muslims believe in the prophecy that a reformer will come to usher in an age of global justice. This doctrine cannot be denied by anyone with an understanding of the…