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Spiritual Reform in Ramadan

Spiritual Reform in Ramadan Spiritual Reform in Ramadan: With time, we have become more and more immune to inhumanity. We are becoming indifferent to injustice, corruption, and un-brotherly behavior. Thousands of our innocent brothers and…

The Attributes of Imam Ali A.S

The Attributes of Imam Ali A.S The Attributes of Imam Ali A.S: He had a cheerful face and was good-natured. His neck was long like a goblet made of silver. His shoulders were broad. The joints of his hands were like those of a roaring…

Dua’a Kumayl

Dua'a Kumayl O Allah! I beseech Thee by Thy mercy which encompasses all things And by Thy power by which Thou overcometh all things and submit to it all things and humble before it all things And by Thy might by which Thou hast conquered…

Alis Virtues Before His Birth

Alis Virtues Before His Birth Section Two The orator of Khawarizm quoting `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud has reported that the Holy Prophet (s.a) said: O `Abdullah! An angel came to me carrying a message from God who said: O Muhammad! Ask the…

Transitory Nature Of The World

Transitory Nature Of The World Transitory Nature Of The World: The previous tradition also is indicative of the fact that this material world is transitory and only Allah the Creator is Immortal. He was there when there was nothing, He…