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Islam and Islamic Ideology

Islam and Islamic Ideology Paramount Leader of the Islamic Revolution In early days of its advent and even today, Islam has shown - and still showed - the way to a new world, ensured a life of abundance, moral rectitude and salvation for…

Belief in Allah

Belief in Allah Belief in Allah: It is worth emphasizing that among human thinkers there exists no difference of opinion on the point that this universe has a self-sustaining First Cause. At the most, materialists call it matter, while…


Ash'airah Ash'airah: From the preceding lecture it became clear that the ideas and notions which led to the emergence of the Mu’tazilite school took birth during the latter half of the first century of Hijrah. The approach of the…


Mu'tazilah Mu'tazilah: We shall begin our discussion - and we shall explain later why - with the Mu’tazilah. The emergence of this sect took place during the latter part of the first century or at the beginning of the second. Obviously…