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Holy Prophet

The Worst of People

The Worst of People The Worst of People: The Prophet Muhammad (S) has said, “O’ ‘Ali! The person whom, others are scared of his tongue (what he says), shall be of the people of the hell fire. O’ ‘Ali! The worst of people is the one whom…

Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? (Part IV)

Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? (Part IV) بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Matrimonial Relationship In the previous parts, we quoted extensive authentic traditions from Sahih Muslim and else, proving that during the lifetime of the Prophet,…

Ahlul Sunnah and the Prophet’s Sunnah

Ahlul Sunnah and the Prophet's Sunnah Ahlul Sunnah and the Prophet's Sunnah: Do not let this heading intimidate you, dear reader, for you are, by the Grace of Allah, walking on the path of righteousness so that you may in the end reach…

Importance of Early Marriage in Islam

The institution of marriage has been given tremendous importance in Islam. Generally, in the terms of jurisprudence it is highly recommended, but in many cases due to extraordinary circumstances, it becomes obligatory and a religious…